Pro-Palestinian protests spread around the world as Israel presses into Gaza

Gaza is not the only place where Bedouins are seen: Israeli bombarded villages face the fate of the most remote enemy in the occupied world

About 117 trucks carrying aid have been allowed into Gaza via the territory’s Rafah border with Egypt. Most of the trucks have food on board, and most of them carry medical supplies. Fuel was blocked by Israel due to fears it could be stolen by Hamas.

The Israeli military warned on Sunday that Palestinian civilians should move to the southern part of the coastal strip, even as they continued to be hit by Israeli airstrikes.

“I felt that I had become blind and deaf, unable to see or hear,” Fathi Sabbah, a journalist based in Gaza, wrote on his Facebook profile on Sunday, after phone and internet service partly returned.

When Hamas fires rockets, the people have nowhere to go, Ms. Ziadna said. The largely aluminum roofs of the Bedouin homes turn into deadly shrapnel, which she called “knives.” Hamas rockets killed several members of one Bedouin community.

On Friday at sunset, three weeks into Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza — and as Palestinians braced themselves for an impending Israeli ground invasion — the weak phone and internet service that had allowed some semblance of life to continue inside the blockaded enclave was suddenly severed. Two American officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the United States believed Israel was responsible for the communications loss.

They don’t have a way of knowing if their loved ones are alive or dead. The emergency phone lines did not ring. Paramedics drove towards the sound of explosions in an effort to save people. The wounded people were left in the street.

Even before the recent attacks, Bedouins had long suffered at the hands of Hamas. Because they are not recognized by Israel, many villages lack bomb shelters and health clinics that are available in southern Israel. The mayor of Rahat, Ata Abu Mediam, said there were only about 10 bomb shelters in the city, with a population of about 80,000.

Patients who had been shot, as well as Bedouins who had lost limbs, were among the hundreds of patients who Dr. Abu Fraiha rushed to treat at her hospital in Beer Sheva. Kids, seniors, and foreigners were treated as well.

Ayesha Ziadna, 29, a relative of the Ziadnas who were attacked on the beach, said that the four members of the family who disappeared are still missing, as are a number of other residents of the area, though the exact number was not immediately clear.

At least 17 people killed in the Hamas attacks were Bedouins in and around Rahat, the biggest city in an impoverished, predominantly Bedouin area of southern Israel. Another victim there was an Arab paramedic from northern Israel who had come to work at the all night music and dance festival where 260 people were slain.

During their murderous Oct. 7 rampage, Hamas militants attacked Zikkim Beach near the Gaza Strip where Abd Alrahman Aatef Ziadna and his family had been camping along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

An Israeli soldier was killed overnight when a tank overturned in Gaza, the military said Monday. On Oct. 7, the day of the Israeli deaths, the total number of soldiers killed was more than 300.

Officials from both the Israel and the West Bank say at least four Palestinians were killed by an Israeli aircraft on Monday. Israeli bulldozers dug up streets and dozens of Palestinians were arrested.

Palestinian communications came back on Sunday after an internet and phone service outage for two nights. Palestinians were happy that their families were able to reach loved ones.

Israel has continued to urge the evacuation of northern Gaza, including hospitals, where beds are completely full with injured people and hallways have crowded each night with Palestinians seeking refuge from airstrikes. At least a third of hospitals in Gaza have been forced to shut down due to a lack of fuel to operate generators, the U.N. says.

At Ah-Ahli Arab Hospital, hospital officials have evacuated displaced people, but staff are still treating patients, said Dr. Fadel Naim, an orthopedic surgeon working there. The hospital was the site of a deadly explosion on Oct. 17 that killed at least 100 people, according to estimates by U.S. intelligence services.

Israel presses into Gaza as pro-palestinian protests spread worldwide: A Palestinian-American who has lived in a house in Gaza for three years

Food in Gaza is hard to come by. Food suppliers are out of business because of the lack of electricity and fuel. Palestinians living in Gaza tell NPR that they have to wait for hours for a day of bread because there were not enough open vendors.

On Saturday, thousands of people broke into several warehouses operated by UNRWA, the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, to steal wheat flour and other survival supplies.

Civil order is in danger after three weeks of war and a tight siege on Gaza. People are scared, frustrated and desperate,” said Thomas White, UNRWA’s top official for Gaza, in a statement Saturday.

Few trucks, slow processes, strict inspections, supplies that do not meet the requirements of UNRWA and the other aid organizations, are all recipe for a failed system,” he said.

Israel will restore water supply to central Gaza and allow the Palestinian Water Authority to make repairs to damaged lines in the conflict. The U.N. reported that the water supply in southern Gaza had improved in the last few days after small amounts of fuel were delivered to the plants.

“We have been taking extreme measures to reserve whatever water we had left. Abood Okal, a Massachusetts resident and Palestinian-American who was visiting family in Gaza when the war began, said that showers are something of the past.

He, his wife and son are taking refuge in a southern Gaza home with about 40 other people. A group of people in a household have been filling up a few gallons from a station every day to bring home.

Source: [Israel presses into Gaza as pro-Palestinian protests spread worldwide](

Damning the Jet: Israel Kills Hundreds of Hamas Fighters in Gaza and Attacks on the Jenin Mohammad

On Thursday evening, Okal said that the filtration station ran out of diesel last Thursday. We are almost out of water. He said that he thinks we have enough to last through tonight and then tomorrow.

In New York City, as well as other cities around the globe, tens of thousands of people took part in pro-Palestinian protests this past weekend to call for a cease-fire.

An airport in Russia’s Muslim-majority region of Dagestan closed Sunday night after pro-Palestinian protesters stormed the airport upon the arrival of a flight from Tel Aviv.

Video posted to social media appeared to show a crowd on the tarmac surrounding the plane, which landed at the Makhachkala airport around 7:15 p.m. local time.

“All Dagestanis empathize with the suffering of victims of the actions of unrighteous people and politicians and pray for peace in Palestine. “What happened at our airport is outrageous and should be assessed by law enforcement agencies,” said Sergey Melikov, head of the Dagestan Republic in a post on Telegram.

Israel said it had killed hundreds of Hamas targets, including weapon depots and anti-tank missile launch sites. Israeli troops killed dozens of Hamas fighters on Sunday alone, the IDF said. The statements from the Israeli military described fighting between Hamas fighters and Israeli soldiers.

Among Israel’s targets is Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, Israeli military spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said at a Sunday night news conference. Israelis say Sinwar was the chief architect of the Oct. 7 attack on Israel that left 1,400 dead.

JENIN, West Bank — The mosque is unrecognizable. The stairway to the upper floor, now lacking a wall to support it, is leaning strangely. The pillars are bowed. Rubble is piled up outside. And through the holes in the floor, a man peers into the basement where Israeli security forces say Palestinian militants were storing weapons.

In the days since, Israeli security forces have mounted at least three raids on Jenin, all of them deadly. The Palestinians have been killed in Jenin in just over a week, according to Palestinian officials.

The densely populated refugee camp in Jenin has been a place where Palestinian militant have been active for decades. Over time, terrorists from Jenin have been involved in attacks on Israeli settlers.

The mosque was hit after midnight. When it hit, Noor Damaj was outside drinking tea with relatives in an unfinished apartment above his uncle’s home, next door to the mosque.

I wanted to see what happened to my family. I could not even get in,” Damaj says. “There was so much dust and gunpowder we could barely see.”

Rubble from the mosque had piled up against their home’s exterior doors, he says, trapping them outside and other family members inside. It took an hour and a half to clear.

In a statement, the Israel Defense Forces said the target of the strike was an “underground terror compound” at the mosque that was being used by members of Hamas and another militant group, Islamic Jihad.

Israeli security forces have periodically raided the refugee camp. In July, hundreds of troops stormed the camp, backed by airstrikes. It was by far the largest operation in years that Israel had conducted in the West Bank.

Things had grown relatively quiet since then, residents say — until last week. In quick succession came the Israeli airstrike, then a drone attack that killed three, and then another raid that left at least one Palestinian dead, according to Palestinian officials.

The State Department received an email last week from Zakarneh’s wife, begging for the case to be expedited. She explained their proximity to the air strike in an email to NPR. “We are not living in [safety] and peace. “We see terrorists walking in the streets every day.”

Zakarneh’s fate in Jenin: how many Palestinians are left behind the horrors of the Yalta-Araki massacre?

Zakarneh says it’s difficult to solve the Jenin problems. He has a good job, a nice house and a family to care for — but not everyone in the refugee camp has a life like that. Many of Jenin’s residents are young, impoverished and unemployed.

The blood was still on the ground hours later. So too were scraps of metal: leftover pieces of the homemade explosive devices they were holding, witnesses said.

The strike hit just outside a cemetery where Palestinians killed by Israeli forces are buried. Locals said the cemetery is full. Those who died in last week’s attacks were all buried at a new graveyard nearby.

He wouldn’t have held the homemade explosives. He has only one answer when asked what his future holds.

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