Canada defeated New Zealand in women’s soccer

The Canadian women’s soccer team was caught using a drone over the New Zealand women’s soccer team’s training on Monday. A supervisor at the Olympic training sites in Saint-Etienne said there was a drone in the sky. On two separate occasions, he “effectively filmed” closed-door training of New Zealand women’s team with the help of a drone, the statement read.

While she is poised to be the Democrat nominee, here are 5 things about her

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has said that she regretted the “unintended consequences” of former President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, which reduced benefits for millions of Americans. She added that she would continue to implement it if she becomes the US Vice President. “I’ve seen firsthand the devastating impact this law had on so many families,” she further said.

The FBI director says that a shooter at the rally searched for information about the JFK assassination

FBI Director Christopher Wray has revealed that the gunman who attempted to assassinate former US President Donald Trump at a rally conducted a Google search for ‘How far away was Oswald from JFK?’ a week before the shooting. Wray added that the FBI has gained access to gunman’s digital devices but investigators have not found anything that points to a motive or political ideology.

Canada defeated New Zealand in women’s soccer

While she is poised to be the Democrat nominee, here are 5 things about her

It is possible for a game-playing Artificial Intelligence to be able to tackle a Chatbot Blindspot

The FBI director says that a shooter at the rally searched for information about the JFK assassination