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Chris Sununu,Nikki Haley’s Best friend, Won’t stop believing

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The New Hampshire Run-Up: The Case for a Nominating Candidate that isn’t a Prompt Republican

I mean, you were 12 days away from voting for Christie, and now your vote is up for grabs and your candidate deserted you. What are their intentions when they decide to settle? And if they settle, I suspect they’re going to be settling for Nikki Haley because they can live with her. But are they going to cast a vote for someone who is not as anti-Trump as they would like because it’s the only chance they have to beat Trump?

Ginsberg says no Republican candidate has won the nomination without their home state. But Haley insists she knows how to win in South Carolina and will have plenty of time to build up momentum. It is Trump’s intention to knock her out before she gets a chance. The front runner is behind him and he wants to unify the Republican party.

There is a guide to the New Hampshire primary, and New Hampshire voters who explain how it could be a close race between two wildly different candidates. From “The New York Times” in Manchester, New Hampshire, I’m Astead Herndon. This is “The Run-Up.”

I think that Haley was trying to make the most strides in building local organization, since I wrote about the campaigns out there. I saw a couple Trump canvassers this week. I guess the difference between Haley and, say, campaigns of bygone years is building that local organization would’ve started months earlier than it did this time around.

He explained that the race was done. “I mean, even if Nikki Haley can win in New Hampshire, she’ll still have a real uphill slog. She will have to win her home state of South Carolina at the end of February.

Even if winning New Hampshire weren’t a reach, Ben Ginsberg, a retired Republican attorney who is a leading expert on the nominating process, says the deck is already stacked against her.

She paused for long enough for the crowd to start to clap, and said that a poll said Trump was down by 7 points. She had to explain what she was talking about. By the way, this is against Joe Biden. Trump is down by 7 points. I beat Biden.

“Do you want to be scared in November or not?” she asks in a call and response near the end of her stump speech. Do you want your kids to be proud in November? It’s time to do it.

What Haley and her SuperPACs Have in New Hampshire, and What Can She Tell Us About the Problem of Resetting the Election? A Conversation with Nikki Haley

That is among the $31 million in ads Haley and her allied super PACs have run in New Hampshire. According to an NPR analysis, more than $5 million of it had been spent over the past week. Trump and his associates have spent less.

He says that we have a chance to reset the election for our entire country. “Nikki is the only one who can beat Donald Trump to make America great again.”

That is, he said, “If enough Republicans and independents get a sense of sanity back and are less interested in drama and just pettiness. We’re tired of being petty. And that’s what Nikki Haley would take away from where we are today.”

The New Hampshire primary is likely to be one of the final opportunities for a really competitive Republican nomination race. The only major candidate left in the race is Haley, she is challenging former President Donald Trump.

The former South Carolina governor spoke at Grill 603 in New Hampshire, saying that she is the most electable Republican.

She was referring to a hypothetical general election result and not the primary, but it’s unclear which poll she was referring to. There are no public polls showing her ahead of Trump. In the lead-up to the primary, Haley has tried to connect with potential supporters like 10-year-old Hadley Craig on a daily basis.

I have told you from the beginning, that I was going to be strong in Iowa. When the reporters asked about her path to victory, Haley snapped back “I feel like we did that.”

Sununu and the media: What do they do, how do they run their campaigns, and what do they want to do next time? An interview with Mike Murphy

After President Trump leaves office, Mr Sununu wants to return to the private sector. He doesn’t seem prepared for a complete vanishing act.

“I like this media stuff,” he said in his interview with The New York Times, which was sandwiched among an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” a podcast hit and a Bloomberg interview in the span of 90 minutes. “I have my quiet criticisms on the media and I’ve gotten to see how they do it, what they do, how they work. Some things I like. And some things I’m not. I thought that I could improve that game by adding a little bit of color to what the media is doing.

Mike Murphy, a Republican strategist who has run many primary campaigns through New Hampshire, including John McCain, said that he had taken her from Triple-A to a major league baseball team three or four weeks ago. He is going to be a successful governor after he leaves office. You can have lots of New Hampshire offers. He was wanted for the Senate last time. They can always want him another time.”

The former state Attorney General said that it was like fantasy football. “I think part of him really wanted to try the bigger game, but I think he was realistic enough to say that’s not going to work. So this is probably the next best thing.”

The Freest Free State in the State with No Sales Tax, Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Inventory Tax, and a Very Corrupt Governor

Overall, we rank freest. We have a lot of freedom here. We have no sales tax. We don’t pay income tax. We don’t have capital gains tax. We are the only state with no belt law. We don’t have a helmet mandate. We don’t have a state minimum wage. We have constitutional carry. You don’t have to register your firearms. You can buy fireworks here. We don’t have a capital gains tax. We do not have inventory tax.

Absolutely. No one has a shot. I have put up more Trump signs than Haley has in the entire state, which is kind of surprising because Haley is from that state.

Absolutely. It is a very corrupt state. The governor is tied to the bushes. You know that the governor’s father was a member of the Bush family and that he used to talk about the new world order.

Source: Everything You Need to Know About New Hampshire

What do we really know about New Hampshire Primary Trumps? How much do we know? Where do we stand? Who is going to tell me?

It is only to see what goes on and flag waving at their events. But they’re nothing like this. I mean, obviously, who has vendors like this? There is nothing like it. There’s nothing like it. You will never find me.

And then Nikki Haley is just a straight up soulless, like Hillary Clinton — like, Republican counterpart, completely just robot like — who’s the Facebook guy? All the blood from you was drained out of you, disgusting Bill Gates style. Blech. You could just put all of them in a barrel.

Source: Everything You Need to Know About New Hampshire

What Happens When You Seek to Win: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: New Hampshire Primordial Trump Haley

It is great. He’s just great. He is just funny. He has good humor. And humor is important. Humor — people are like, oh, what do you care about with policy and everything? But it’s like, humor matters because that’s your soul. It shows connection to other souls because if someone is genuinely funny and funny, they are actually funny.

You’re comparing to your other options, right? So I guess it’s just the closer match, right? Compared to Nikki Haley, who wants to go to war with everybody and — Trump’s usually — errs on the side of, let’s not get involved in that, compared to, let’s get involved in Ukraine, let’s get involved in this Israel conflict, let’s get involved in Afghanistan, let’s get involved in Iraq. Let’s get involved, every time, because everyone has a pet. They want — oh, I have a war, I have a war, me too, me too, me too, me too. And Trump is like, eh, it’s kind of stupid. And so I respect that, you know.

Source: Everything You Need to Know About New Hampshire

Nikki Haley and the State of the Art: An Empirical Report on What to Expect to Come to the Elections in New Hampshire

It’s exciting to be here. And I’ve never been to a Trump rally. It seemed like fun and Trump was hilarious. So I mean, you get to see the guy live, but —

There’s been a lot of talk how Nikki Haley might be doing better in New Hampshire. When you are in your community, are people talking about who to vote for? Who do you think is going to win on Tuesday?

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I can’t ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we don’t have a clear path to victory. Today, I am suspending my campaign.

Trump is superior to the current incumbent, Joe Biden. That is true. I will honor the pledge I made to support the Republican nominee.

He has my endorsement because we can’t go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear — a repackaged formed of warmed over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents.

Source: Everything You Need to Know About New Hampshire

Why Did Nikki Haley Attempt to Stay in New Hampshire During the High-Energy Wall Street Scenario?

He focused on issues of wokeness when polling showed that Republican voters cared much more about the border and the economy. And he tried to be Trump Lite, and people wanted real Trump. He was still awkward.

Because I do think the closer it is to 30, the more pressure there will be on someone like Nikki Haley to drop out. If the closer it gets to a single digit, it will be more difficult for Haley to stay in South Carolina. So if the polling is correct and Donald Trump does end the night at the top of the results in New Hampshire, how big is that distance between him and Haley?

It doesn’t seem like the decision to drop out makes a difference. What was already true is now official. New Hampshire is a two-person race between Nikki Haley and Donald Trump.

There are lots of signs of a Trump rally. Your cars drive by with American flags waving and you rally people up. And you have a big emerging, snaking line outside of the arena for people who are here five, six hours early.

Source: Everything You Need to Know About New Hampshire

The Run-Up: A Report of Astead Herndon and Dan Powell, Lisa Tobin, Frannie Carr Toth, and Sophia Lanman

The Run-Up is a report by me, Astead Herndon, as well as produced by the other people. It’s edited by Rachel Dry, Lisa Tobin, and Frannie Carr Toth with original music by Dan Powell, Marion Lozano, Pat McCusker, Diane Wong, Sophia Lanman, and Elisheba Ittoop. It was mixed by Sophia Lanman and Chris Wood and fact checked by Caitlin Love.

Special Thanks to all the people who made this possible, it would not have been possible. Do you have a question about the 2024 election? You can email us at [email protected]. If you use the voice memo app on your phone, you may be able to record your question and send us the file. The email is [email protected].

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And the funny thing is I thought we would get a bunch of these kind of primary days in the next couple of months. We might have to savor this one, even though it might be one of the last competitive primary days.

Yeah. I think I am excited about that because before Iowa, I was pretty exhausted with talking about how people were going to vote without them voting. In these days, we can talk less about polling and more about how people express themselves.

I’m certainly watching it to see how it ends up, but it’s not going to tangibly matter in the race for the Democratic nomination, which is not much of a race at all, at least to this point.

And the primary challenge of the order is really the challenge for the country. How do we embrace voices that have been excluded while also appreciating the strength of our traditions? And those are not easy questions. But I believe our party will work it out by 2028. I think that Joe Biden will be the man for us at some point, and we will unify behind him.

When 40 percent of those who were enslaved came through the Port of Charleston, the president said that it was important to have a recognition of the history in this country.

What I believe is that the president’s motives of wanting to elevate the voices of Black and brown communities was correct, that motive in terms of what motivated him. But it has to be done also with recognizing that history and tradition of New Hampshire so that no one’s delegates get disqualified. I think that we will get to that outcome.

You are talking to people about the DNC decision. I just want to know your personal — was that a mistake for the DNC to switch the order and leave New Hampshire out to dry?

In light of the facts, the Democrats in the state have begun a campaign to get New Hampshire Democrats to write in the name of the president, even though his name is not on the ballot. Over the weekend, that has been happening. Some Democratic surrogates, like Boston Mayor Michelle Wu or Congressman Ro Khanna of California, have spent their weekend in New Hampshire rallying and doing get out the vote efforts, encouraging people to write in Joe Biden’s name on the primary ballot.

This matters for Biden in a narrative way. But does it matter in terms of delegates? How much does this race actually matter in real practical terms for Biden?

Yeah, it is. The narrative is more important than the actual delegates that lead someone to become the presidential nominee. Because since the DNC is not recognizing the New Hampshire primary, this is frankly just a state contest that media and voters will follow but will not actually matter in terms of the delegates they count at the Democratic National Convention that officially nominates the person to be president. South Carolina is where it all begins.

Source: Everything You Need to Know About New Hampshire

The End of the Road: Getting What You Want to Know About The Presidency of the 2020 Rematch, and When Does Trump Start Talking About Them?

I think that this is a real colonial Northeast home. We have a lot of yard signs that say “Write In Joe Biden.” And we have some Biden-Harris signs also on the lawn.

I will fill the bubble by his name. Every one of you must do that as well. Make sure you and your friends are doing that.

We have a lot of time after this cycle to make sure that we have the diversity of this nation represented. In my view, having four states with a critical role is important. I think that the DNC will figure it out.

Great. At the beginning of this, you said that the Democrats are also here. What are the Democrats doing? And what are you watching for in the Democrats’ quarter?

And she’s really framing herself as the last possible person who can stop what feels like an inevitable march to a 2020 rematch. I believe she is sharpening her attacks on Trump. She’s gone beyond her normal line of saying that just chaos follows him.

At the event we were at in New Hampshire, she talked about how he cozied up to dictators, talked about how he added money to the national debt, how he didn’t follow through on the general premise of delivering Republican policy victories. Her core message has been something she has been saying from the beginning about being able to vote.

I’m not sure if you saw it, but Trump made a rant at the rally. And he’s going off how Nikki Haley didn’t allow security into the Capitol. All that could have happened, if Haley had not kept it from happening. Where was she during the riot? She should have been at that time, what is he saying?

Yeah. It was different to hear her change her messages from debates where she was mostly ignoring Donald Trump and focusing on her other opponents.

But I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t true. And so I grabbed Jazmine Ulloa, the “Times” reporter who has been following Nikki Haley for months, to try to ask her, OK, is this messaging new? And then, when did Haley start talking about Trump like this?

This is definitely not the typical stump speech. She has been making more of a point in the last few days. She has strengthened her case against Trump. She has been lumping Biden and Trump together as part of an older guard, saying we need to move forward.

Yeah. The majority of Americans don’t want to see two 80 — and Trump’s in the 70s. But she says, the majority of Americans don’t want to see two 80-year-olds running for president.

Source: Everything You Need to Know About New Hampshire

Crisscrossing in the New Hampshire GOP: What Are The Plans? What Are They Doing? What Will They Do? How Do The Haleys Go?

Mm-mm. We often see this with candidates saying their most sharp attacks the final couple of days. What is the campaign‘s plan? Why are they doing this now? Why did they not do this two months ago?

I wasn’t in DC on January 6. I wasn’t at the Capitol. You know what? Two years ago, you could look at Joe Biden. That is what happens. We have to be honest about that.

I think there is a recent shift in tone in the campaign of Haley that points to the importance of independence and how she is trying to court them.

It is an obvious question. Will Donald Trump be as dominant in New Hampshire as he was in Iowa? Will Republicans rally around him in the same way that they did when he won by 30 points?

I think I’m basically looking for three things — what Republicans do, how motivated they are with respect to Tuesday’s primary; what independents do, considering there are so many of them in New Hampshire; and then also, what Democrats do. There is drama on their side as well.

Thanks for playing, but please give me a break. Do you know that Trump got 56,000 votes out of 3 million people in Iowa? It is less than 2 percent. Is the choice of the Republican Party going to be dictated by that? No. I don’t think so. You know who’s going to dictate the choice? You guys are. Getting out the vote is the key to this whole thing. You guys understand. You’re here. If the vote turnout is high, the chances are better that we will shock the world and actually win. It is possible. It is possible.

You are right. We have three days to go. The whole world is watching the country is watching. They’re waiting to see, is New Hampshire going to do it again? Is New Hampshire going to show how we do polling again? You’re damn right we are. You’re darn We are. We’ve been around the state. I have had the honor of crisscrossing —

We were outside in Manchester and there was a big, rowdy event for Trump. He’s in the middle of this kind of crazy rally happening up there. How do the Haleys match that type of energy? How can they get people to fight a little party atmosphere that Trump has created?

That is the thing that helps her. Trump is a bully. He’ll lie and say anything that will go for him. People believe in the truth if you tell a lie enough times. And he’s told plenty of lies.

I told someone else who was working for Nikki that I didn’t know if it was of benefit to them. She looks like Hillary did when she was running against Trump. It is inspiring and motivating.

It’s not all about her. The party and country is more important than how Trump can make himself bigger and better.

Back when she first announced. She has been positive and she’s against the divisions. We have to bring the country together. And I think she can do that.

Source: Everything You Need to Know About New Hampshire

What do you think about Donald Trump? How does he feel? How do you feel about him? Where did you go? What did you learn from him?

I don’t know how Trump draws people in. I have no idea. I’m offended by a lot of his values. You know, again, what he did for us was good, the economy and all of that. His personal values do not include them.

Politics are not a problem. I think he gave a lot to our country. I wish they’d finished the wall and done a lot of it since the economy was better. It’s just about me and thank me, thank me all the time. He has a big personality and a lot about himself. I do not like the way he treats women.

You have been seeing some of Trump’s takeover from afar. How do you feel about that? How did he become the leader of the party in that time, as a person who tried to pick different types of politicians?

Source: Everything You Need to Know About New Hampshire

What do we want to see in the next two elections? The role of the neocon conserving presidential candidate Nikki Haley

I mean, we’re here because we want to win. I was here to volunteer because I believe she will set herself up for other states thanks to her strong showing in New Hampshire. So high expectations, but I think she can win New Hampshire.

Iowa went Trump’s way by a large margin. He’s leading here. What’s your expectations for him on Tuesday? What would you consider to be a success?

I supported him in 16 and 20. But January was a deal breaker. Donald Trump is still Donald Trump and you can put a lot of good people around him. And I just can’t support him anymore.

I supported him in the previous two elections, but I would say his personality. And I agreed with some of his policies, but I just don’t think he’s what we need right now, so.

So I’ve been with Haley since she mentioned earmarks at the Iowa State Fair. And I think Trump and Biden were both terrible on spending. I think Trump added to our debt. He added to the deficits. Nikki Haley is a true alternative. She’s young, she’s optimistic, and she’s truly different.

Right now, there is a very loud Trump rally not too far from here. I’m guessing for you all, who prefer Haley, what do you think about the prospect that it could be Trump again, even as people who — I imagine don’t want that to happen?

Is the bird brainNikki Haley capable of getting people to come out this early? I don’t think so. Her damn neocon warmongering having ass couldn’t get five people, I bet.

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