Buffalo, Iowa, is wrestling with political apathy
When Florida’s Favorite Son, Floridians Turn On Ron DeSantis in His Bi-Presidential Campaign
The Republican presidential field continues to narrow and former President Donald Trump has held on to a commanding lead ahead of primary contests. One of his leads is in Florida, where Ron DeSantis is the governor.
“I believe Trump will win in ’24 and it’s not going to be an issue of somebody else running,” Alvarez said. “He’s ahead in the polls right now and he has not gone to any of the Republican debates. Think about that.”
According to Maltais, some republican candidates running against Trump are doing poorly in the polls, and she does not see that changing.
She says that includes her governor. She said she supported and voted for DeSantis when he ran to lead the state for the first time a few years ago.
She said that she was upset that he’s out campaigning for president because she voted for him to be governor. “And while he’s out campaigning, he’s not doing his governorship job. Not the only person in Florida who feels that way is me. We need him to be in charge. That’s what he was elected for.
Alvarez said he agrees. He like the job that DeSantis has done as governor. He said he’s been a “good governor,” but he shouldn’t have jumped into the presidential election when Trump was already in.
Fine is the only Jewish Republican in the legislature and he says he’s been unimpressed with DeSantis’ response to the Hamas attack against Israel last month, which was a breaking point for him. He says he just can’t support DeSantis’ presidential bid anymore.
“I don’t think he’s been a bad governor,” Fine told NPR. “I think he’s generally done well. It’s a lot of issues connected to Jewish Floridians, and he’s broken my heart.
He said that he’s led the way from the beginning. “And I’m kind of disappointed that those few colleagues, the few members that have switched over to Trump’s campaign.”
Source: Once Florida’s favorite son, Floridians turn on DeSantis in his bid for president
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Why DeSantis and Reynold are both outraged by the caucuses
Caruso says he also thinks DeSantis has a strong record supporting Jewish Floridians. He says that more voters in Florida will support his governor as well.
“Her saying that makes me want to get to know more about him,” Alisha Bartleson said of Reynolds’ endorsement of DeSantis, “but as of right now, Trump will get our vote.”
“I think that’s part of the reason why he did run,” Fine explained. “He wanted to run for president as the governor of Florida and not as the former governor of Florida.”
“I mean, Rick Scott is our senator,” he said. “Marco is our senator.” I don’t believe they’re going anywhere. There is no obvious off ramp for him to go after his term as governor is over.
Trump is so far ahead in Iowa polls that some voters in Buffalo, Iowa, a small riverfront community down the Mississippi River from Davenport are starting to feel a bit apathetic about the upcoming caucuses.
The retired logistics dispatcher worries about Trump’s poor “bedside manner” and says Iowa Gov. Kim Reynold’s endorsement carries a lot of weight with her.
Iowa Voters Apathy wrestles with Trump-fueled political apathy: Why Donald Trump isn’t gonna have a heart attack
“My heart tells me that if he does something,” she said, cautiously. “We could have a chance to lose. I would love to have him. But sometimes I think, maybe, we need another Republican in there to win.”
She too loves Reynolds, but the retired registered nurse says she’s sick and tired of career politicians. She thinks the country was a better place under Trump.
The community is split between those who love Trump and those who don’t, according to Mary Moore, a registered Democrat who serves on the local city council.
He said he would pick almost any of the other Republican candidates, but he thinks Trump has the nomination wrapped up. He’s trying to convince his wife too.
“My wife was watching the debate and I said, ‘honey, why are you wasting your time,'” he said. “And she goes well, ‘what if Donald Trump has a heart attack?’ I said that he was not going to have a heart attack. He’s going to be our nominee. “
Source: In Buffalo, Iowa, a community wrestles with Trump-fueled political apathy
A Grandmother’s View of Buffalo – and Iowa’s Thoughts on “Swinging and Rolling” Down a Slide
She turns to check on her two young daughters on their swing set while her son speeds down the slide before sharing the feelings of a lot of people here in Buffalo – and in Iowa.