The subreddit says protesting mod communities won’t stay private

Reddit reopens: A warning to the moderators of a public subreddit in view of pricing changes, according to The Verge

The subreddits will be private this week, and Reddit is trying to get them to reopen. The company has given moderators deadlines to lay out their plans for reopening but said that they can’t stay closed.

The timeframes given generally indicate a deadline of sometime Thursday afternoon. The repercussions were vague but appeared to indicate this was the final warning stage.

The ModCodeofConduct told the moderators of a different subreddit that they would face further action if they continued to violate Rule 4 by the end of the day. Rule 4 of that document is “Be Active and Engaged.” That subreddit has since reopened, though in an “archive” mode where new posts will be automatically removed.

When restricted, even if most users can’t post in a community, they can still see posts (which has the added benefit of making any links from that subreddit that show up in Google search results actually useful). It appears that Reddit would like to change that for a few people.

A lot of communities went dark earlier this month as a protest of the company’s upcoming pricing changes, but many of them have since reopened, according to a tracker.

“We see no reason to reopen as I don’t think we’re the bad guys here,” yoasif, an r/firefox moderator who received the message, tells The Verge in an email. dit has been given a chance to reconcile with the protest but hasn’t done so yet. r/firefox, as of this writing, is indeed still private.

In the messages we have seen, the ModCodeofConduct admins told us that they would want to reopen, but that they wouldn’t unless they got a certain amount of feedback from the community.

After sending a modmail message on June 27, 2023, your mod team indicated that you do not want to reopen the [name of subreddit] community. This is a courtesy notice to let you know that you will lose moderator status in the community by end of week. If you reply to let us know you’re interested in actively moderating this community, we will take your request into consideration.

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