Haley says she’ll run for president in 2024
A Democratic Democrat Candidate Who Will Run for the Premiership in the November 2020 South Carolina Primary? A New Look at a Man Who Could Become the First
The first Republican to run for president in the new year would be Haley, who would face Trump in the initial stages of the race.
She’s expected to send an invite to her supporters announcing the special event in the coming days, according to sources familiar with the matter. The precise details of her launch are yet to be revealed. One source said they believed she could publicly signal the announcement is coming with video in the coming days, but that possibility isn’t set in stone.
The Washington Post was the first to report details of Haley’s preparations for the expected announcement, as well as the date and location.
“Ever since she left the governor’s office for the United Nation, there’s always been a sense in South Carolina that Nikki would be preparing for a much larger launch,” Dave Wilson, the president of the Christian nonprofit Palmetto Family Council, told CNN. “Now we’re in a presidential countdown window. Everyone should be buckled up.
The current situation is one of the things that you look at when trying to determine if you want to run for president. Is the person that could be that new leader? She spoke to Fox News.
Haley has often attempted to walk a fine line between allying with Trump and distancing herself enough to appeal to his more moderate critics. She left the Trump administration in 2018 on good terms with the then-president – a marked contrast from other former Trump officials who have publicly fallen out with their onetime boss.
The role of Trump is a key complicating factor for women. While Haley is his first official challenger, no one expects her to be the last. He failed to clear the field as a former president and a two-time nominee.
This sudden rush of activity follows Trump slamming a potential rival on the first two days of his state campaign swing. A rising star of Republican politics took a shot at him, saying that he won his reelection, unlike someone he knows.
Increasingly clear indications of several forming campaigns are notable because they appear to show that Trump, who has been the most influential force in the GOP ever since 2016, is not so prohibitively formidable that he cannot be challenged by serious rivals.
It would be too much to say that his rivals sense weakness given the former president’s deeply loyal bond with activist Republicans who decide primaries. Trump has so-so fundraise to date and his low-energy launch last year underscores his electoral liabilities.
Still, having multiple rivals would help Trump, as it did in 2016, since the winner-take-all nature of most Republican primaries allows a candidate with a mere plurality of votes to build up big delegate leads in a crowded field.
It is not a guarantee for the general election that Trump will win the primary because the disgraced former president left Washington in disgrace after trying to steal an election.
It is time for a new generation. It is time for more leadership. … We have to remember, too, we have lost the last seven out of eight popular votes for president,” Haley said in a Fox News interview last month. We need a Republican in there that can win a general election.
The most fundamental question that Haley will face is whether or not the Republican base is interested in what she is trying to sell.
Her credentials are not as strong as they could be when considering values of the party she is seeking the nomination for. For example, is there really a market in the GOP for a more unifying, multicultural, less strident delivery vehicle for Trump’s “America First” creed? The ex-president has an emotional connection with his most ardent fans despite his frequent profanity and belittling of liberal government and media elites.
Haley’s struggles to reconcile her past links with Trump and his wilder, anti-democratic outbursts, suggest she is vulnerable to counter-attacks from the former president focusing on her ambition and perceived shifting loyalties.
For instance, after leaving the administration on good terms, she rebuked her party for following Trump down a “path he shouldn’t have” taken with his election denialism that led to the January 6, 2021, insurrection. She decided to change her mind in October 2021.
And the former South Carolina governor’s casting around for the GOP sweet spot has some observers wondering exactly how she will build a sufficiently wide support base to take her to the nomination.
I have spent time in both Iowa and New Hampshire. He said that this was not random at a forum in DC on Wednesday. We are just trying to figure it out. It is an unbelievably momentous decision to say you believe you should be the leader of the United States of America,” he added.
Why does Trump need to run for the presidency? A woman’s challenge to the ex-President, Tulsi Gabbard
But Pompeo – like Haley, Scott, ex-Vice President Mike Pence, more marginal candidates and even DeSantis, if he gets in the race – all face the same problem. They might not fear Trump, but that doesn’t mean they can beat him.
With the first voting events of the next GOP nomination process a year away, she isn’t the only woman from the ranks of top officials who will matter.
Last month Noem said she is “not convinced that I need to run for president” — but she has kept the door open, and taken a succession of hardline, well-publicized stands on national issues such as abortion and immigration. Haley’s announcement may increase the pressure on Noem to decide, or announce.
Like Haley, Noem has said in the past she would support Trump if he sought the party’s nomination a third time. But, also like Haley, she declined to endorse him when he declared formally in November. Instead, Noem told The New York Times that Trump “does not offer the best chance” for the GOP in 2024.
Cheney was once one of the favorites to become the speaker of the House but she fell by the wayside after she disobeyed her GOP colleagues in the House Select Committee on the January 6th Attack on the Capitol. Cheney was at least as prominent as any member of that panel in condemning Trump and declared she would do “whatever it takes” to prevent his return to office.
That is what was taken as a challenge to the former president in 24 years’ time. She had served in the party for a long time and after losing her own primary it seemed like she would not have a future in it.
There are women with conservative credentials who have shown interest in the nation’s highest office. This past week when a congressional panel had a hearing on how the Biden administration was “weaponizing” federal agencies against citizens, one witness getting a lot of attention was Tulsi Gabbard.
Gabbard left the Democratic Party in 2022, denouncing it as “an elitist cabal of warmongers” and has since appeared often on Fox News and elsewhere as a critic of Democrats and “Big Tech” social media.
Source: https://www.npr.org/2023/02/13/1155861015/haley-signals-a-new-direction-for-the-gops-national-ticket
Why Are Women Presidential Candidates? A Centennial Story of Women Voting in the Party of 1872-1900, and How to Find a Running Mate in 2024
There is a clear reason why women are being defined as presidential. Vice President Harris was described as a “heartbeat away from the presidency” when she took the job.
Like Hillary Clinton’s climb to the presidential nomination in 2016, Harris’ ascent to her current position represents a long step toward making women’s full political equality a reality in both parties.
For a century after the first woman declared herself a protest candidate for the White House in 1872 (before women’s right to vote was added to the Constitution in 1920), when women ran for the White House it was more to make a point than to win an office. The first woman to receive votes in primaries and at the national convention was Margaret Chase Smith, a senator from Maine, in 1964.
Democratic candidate for vice president Glenda Ferraro was nominated in 1984 while the Republican nominee in 2008 was SarahPalin. Both managed to shake up the party’s convention, the media coverage and even the contest itself for a period of weeks.
But ultimately neither could alter the underlying dynamics of those races or supply what may have been lacking in their parties’ presidential nominees. Supporters who thought these gender breakthroughs might galvanize women voters across party lines were disappointed.
DeSantis is regarded as the likeliest challenger to match Trump in polls and fundraising. But New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu has been “testing the waters” as well, and there could be others such as Maryland’s popular former Gov. Larry Hogan, who just retired due to term limits.
Even though he has been showing in the early states, he has not shown well in the polls. The true believers in Trump think he is disloyal, but the others believe he is more of a part of the Trump legacy than he is.
Would it be possible to be his running mate if he were to lose in the primaries? Harris’ chances did not decline as a result of taking on Biden. Before the primaries began, Harris dropped out and endorsed Biden.
The ideal space for a woman candidate, or any prospective candidate in 2024, might be just outside of Trump’s immediate orbit — somehow uninvolved in his controversies and beyond his wrath. That would allow a prospective running mate to pursue free agency for a time, holding open the prospect of joining Trump at some point or of joining someone else’s ticket.
There is an awkwardness in all this posturing, some of which may have been at work when Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave the official Republican response to Biden’s State of the Union on Feb. 7. That speaking slot is often seen as a national auditioning spot for statewide politicians. It was used to deliver a strong message of condemnation against the Biden administration and against Democrats in general.
She used personal information and her role as the White House press secretary to visit troops in Iraq without mentioning the name of the president she served, that is something she has never done before. For this she was also criticized by many conservatives and Trump supporters.
The two men have not broken with each other. But she may be seeking a safe distance not unlike that sought by her father, Mike Huckabee, who once also served as Arkansas’ governor. Huckabee ran for president in 2008 and again in 2016, and while he has supported Trump he did not take a job in the Trump administration, pursuing his TBN talk show and speaking engagements.
Some Republican women may be divided between gratitude for Trump’s past help and desire to be part of a new generation of Republican leaders.
Some, such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, may be too closely associated with Trump already to have other options. New York congresswoman and third-ranking leader for the House GOP, Elise Stefanik might have some room to move in either direction.
There also exists the possibility that a resurgent Trump might look beyond current officeholders for an outsider with no second thoughts as his running mate, someone with mediagenic appeal who is willing to embrace his “stolen election” obsession about 2020 with fervor to match his own.
Kari Lake, a former local TV anchor in Phoenix, has shown that kind of devotion to her insistence she was elected governor of Arizona in 2022 — a race she lost. Lake has been mentioned as a Senate candidate next year, but this weekend she will be visiting Iowa, the site of the first Republican caucuses a year from now.
And Palin is still politically active and still telling Alaskans she would be their elected member of Congress right now if it were not for a “weird” voting system voters adopted there by referendum the year before her defeat in 2022.
Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley: A Politics Strategist and Public Relations Professional, and a Rarest of Trump Appointees
Smith was a public relations professional and political strategist. He is CEO of Gavin James Public Affairs, a public relations and marketing consulting firm in Lexington, South Carolina. During the Trump administration, he was press secretary for the Department of Labor and deputy communications director for the Department of Health and Human Services. Gavin also previously served as an intern and interim executive assistant in the Executive Office of South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. The views are of his own. View more opinion on CNN. This piece has been updated to reflect the latest news.
As someone who has worked for both Haley and Trump, I believe Haley is exactly the right candidate for the Republican Party at this moment – and fellow Republicans should think twice before underestimating her.
In 2004 Haley was an unknown when she won the election for the South Carolina House of Representatives by running a grassroots campaign that positioned her as an energetic and fresh-faced outsider.
Palin, who also appeared in a campaign ad calling Haley a “strong, pro-family, pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-development, conservative reformer” helped boost Haley’s campaign, which went from being on life-support to frontrunner-status in a field of all White male opponents.
South Carolina flourished under Haley’s leadership. In her term, the South Carolina Department of Commerce said tens of thousands of jobs had been created, and billions in capital investment flowed into the state. She led the push to pass a law that made it easier for South Carolina legislators to vote on the record more frequently.
In the aftermath of the 2015 mass-shooting at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, Haley worked tirelessly to unify our state and successfully led the efforts to remove the Confederate Flag from the South Carolina State House grounds.
She was composed and calm leading the state when Hurricane Matthew wreaked havoc on residents of our state.
When she resigned in 2018, she was one of the few Trump administration officials to stay in the good graces of the former president, with the New York Times editorial page praising Haley as “that rarest of Trump appointees: one who can exit the administration with her dignity largely intact.”
A Tale of Two Races: Haley’s First and Youngest Governing State, and the First Women in the U.S.
“The railroad tracks divided the town by race. I was the proud daughter of Indian immigrants. Not Black, not White. I was different. But my mom would always say your job is not to focus on the differences but the similarities. Haley says her parents reminded her and her siblings how blessed they were to live in America.
A former president of the National Association of Women Business Owners, she was first elected to the South Carolina House in 2004. She became the first woman to be elected governor of a state in 2010 and the youngest governor in the nation when she took office in 2011. She was the UN ambassador until the end of the year, when she resigned in the middle of her second term.
Source: https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/14/politics/nikki-haley-2024-announcement/index.html
Haley’s Run, Mace’s Running for the Preliminary State, and What he’s Meant about the South Carolina Senate
“Some look at our past as evidence that America’s founding principles are bad. They say that the promise of freedom is a lie. Some think our ideas are not just wrong, but racist and evil. Everything could be further from the truth, Haley said. “I have seen evil. In China they commit genocide. Iran murder their own people for challenging the government. When a woman tells about seeing soldiers throw her baby into a fire it helps to see the bigger picture. America is blessed to have us live there even on the worst days.
As Trump has vented about Haley’s run, some advisers have reminded him how it could benefit him if he faces multiple Republican challenges in the race.
South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace, who was endorsed by Haley when Trump supported her Republican opponent, told CNN Tuesday she was also worried about the size of the primary field.
Mace said he had concerns about whether or not too many people on the ballot would deter other people from coming out in this thing.