The Israeli Prime Minister is scheduled to address the Congress on July 24

The U.S. War on Gaza: Israel’s Road Map to a Damned War II. Netanyahu and the Secretary of State

Last week President Biden announced that Israel has proposed a road map for a ceasefire and release of hostages in Gaza.

The Secretary of State plans to visit Israel and three other states as the U.S. presses for a cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas.

The Philadelphi Corridor lies on the Egypt-Gaza border and was taken over by Israel.

A cease-fire would “unlock the possibility of achieving calm along Israel’s northern border — so both displaced Israeli and Lebanese families can return to their homes,” Mr. Miller’s statement said.

Concerns about fighting between Israel and Hezbollah are mounting, with the militant group backed by Iran being on the northern border of Israel. There were fires on both sides of the border.

The Democratic lawmakers who are critical of Netanyahu will not show up for the address. Vermont’s senator said that Netanyahu is a war criminal and that he is not happy about it. I certainly will not attend.”

Johnson first suggested inviting the Israeli leader, saying it would be “a great honor of mine” to invite him. In the press release Thursday, Johnson said Netanyahu responded to the invitation in kind.

“I am very moved to have the privilege of representing Israel before both Houses of Congress and to present the truth about our just war against those who seek to destroy us to the representatives of the American people and the entire world,” Netanyahu said, according to the release.

Netanyahu has repeatedly called a permanent cease-fire in Gaza a “nonstarter” until long-standing conditions for ending the war are met, appearing to undermine the proposal that Biden described as an Israeli one.

Biden said that the proposal consists of three phases, the first of which is a complete truce and the release of hostages in exchange for the release of Palestinian prisoners.

If Netanyahu is deposed as prime minister there will be new elections, scrutiny over security failures that lead to the War and prosecution on longstanding corruption charges.

Schumer said in a statement that he has “clear and profound disagreements with the Prime Minister, which I have voiced both privately and publicly.” But because America’s relationship with Israel is ironclad and transcends one person or prime minister I joined the request for him to speak.”

Netanyahu is scheduled to address a joint meeting of Congress on July 24, and it will be a politically charged speech, at a crucial time in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

All four top Congressional leaders extended the formal invitation to Netanyahu at the end of May, noting that Israeli President Isaac Herzog addressed Congress last year.

The Israeli leader was invited to share the Israeli government’s vision for defending democracy, combatting terror, and establishing a just and lasting peace in the region.

The speech will be controversial. Democrats plan to boycott Israel’s address over concerns about how it has prosecuted its war against Hamas. Those protests will further highlight the divisions within Congressional Democrats over support of Israel.

In response, Israel issued a statement saying Netanyahu authorized a proposal in order to return the hostages to Israel, but said “the war will not end until all of [the Israeli government’s] goals are achieved, including the return of all our abductees and the elimination of Hamas’ military and governmental capabilities.”

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