There are conversations about the moment
The First Speaker of the House Speaker’s Congregation to Demonstrate Responsible Partisanship: The Case of Steve Scalise (R-La.)
The House’s successful impeachment vote comes a week after another failed vote on the measure. Three Republicans joined with a unanimous Democratic caucus to block the effort. This time, thanks to the return of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), the House Majority Leader, following a long absence to seek treatment for blood cancer, they were able to overcome the opposition to pass the impeachment measure. The effort fulfills a key promise made by House Republican lawmakers to their base voters and underscores the conference’s willingness to using their investigative and oversight powers to keep border security and immigration enforcement centerstage heading into the 2024 election season. The matter will be decided by the Senate, which is likely to sidestep the charges and allow Mayorkas to remain in his role.
Those three Republicans once again did the right thing on Tuesday, but the impeachment vote succeeded this time only because one member who was absent last week, Steve Scalise of Louisiana, showed up.
The first impeachment of a sitting cabinet officer in American history was passed by a single vote. There were two missed days on each side. Before the outcome in the New York special House election was known, Republican leaders had to squeeze in a vote, because a Democratic winner could deny Majority Leader Steve Scalise his vote.
This impeachment was an utterly partisan and deeply dishonest act that debases the House’s role in the structure of the Constitution. It forever shatters a barrier that was considered sacred by previous Houses, which took their responsibility seriously and did not use impeachment for political purposes.
The act could be dismissed without a trial by the Senate. But an immediate dismissal would require a majority vote, and inevitably some nervous Democrats with tough elections ahead won’t want to be seen as supporting Mayorkas. There is a chance Senate Democrats will bury the resolution in a committee until after the election.
The Remarkable Impeachment of Speaker J.D. Johnson for Trying to Appease Donald W.P.C. “Tomorrow we lost an election”
“House Republicans will be remembered by history for trampling on the Constitution for political gain rather than working to resolve our border challenges,” Ehrenberg said.
The articles of impeachment will be presented to the Senate following the work period, according to the office of the Senate’s majority leader. Senators will be sworn in as jurors in the trial the next day. Senate President Pro Tempre Patty Murray will be in attendance.
He referred to the impeachment effort as an embarrassment for House Republicans. “The one and only reason for this impeachment is for Speaker Johnson to further appease Donald Trump.”
In a statement condemning the House vote, President Biden said: “History will not look kindly on House Republicans for their blatant act of unconstitutional partisanship that has targeted an honorable public servant in order to play petty political games.”
Mayorkas is the first cabinet member in more than 100 years to be impeached. It is highly unlikely that he will be convicted in the Senate or removed from office. Mia Ehrenberg, a DHS spokesperson, said in a statement that the impeachment was done “without a shred of evidence or legitimate Constitutional grounds.”