Biden may be able to change how voters view him after the Israel War

Can Biden Change How Voters See Him? The Israel War May Give Him a Chance. Analytical Results from the Oval Office

He said that voters will be deciding on the cost of living, the economy, the border, crime and other issues next year. When it comes to foreign policy and voting, President Biden could be leading the way for a new partisan choice on how we gain security.

According to a professor of political history at the university, there are no long-term benefits to Mr. Biden handling the war in Israel. “We live in an era now where polarization is so deep that no matter what the magnitude of the crisis is, or the performance of the president, it’s not likely to make a difference.”

Several voters interviewed on Friday were skeptical of Mr. Biden’s call to send $14 billion to help Israel — let alone another $60 billion for Ukraine.

She is a student at Georgia Gwinnett College in the Atlanta suburbs and said she is anxious because of our economy.

“I don’t love the idea that the money is being sent,” said Ms. Moskowitz, who did not vote for either Mr. Biden or Donald J. Trump in 2020 and said it was “too early to tell” if she would vote in 2024. Is there a need, but no need for that large amount?

When Mr. Trump spoke about immigration from the Oval Office in January 2019, about 40 million people tuned in. More than 25 million people watched the State of the Union speech by Mr. Biden.

Stanley B. Greenberg, who was Mr. Clinton’s pollster in 1992, called Mr. Biden’s Oval Office address “a very important speech in terms of defining America’s security and bringing Iran and Russia to the forefront,” and predicted that it could help rally voters around the president and push Congress to pass his $106 billion international aid plan, which includes money for Ukraine and the Middle East.

According to the polling, large majority of Americans are in favor of Mr. Biden’s support for Israel. A Fox News poll found that 68 percent of voters sided with Israel, and 76 percent of voters in a Quinnipiac University poll said that supporting Israel was in the national interest of the United States.

Source: Can Biden Change How Voters See Him? [The Israel War May Give Him a Chance.](

The Foreign Policy of the President: How important is it for him to stay in Israel if he runs against Mr. Biden, and what can he do about it?

With the exception of 2004, when President George W. Bush confronted rising criticism about having led the nation into war against Iraq, no national election has been driven by foreign policy since the end of the Vietnam War.

Several thousand have marched on the Capitol this week with several of them coming from a group of former White House campaign staff members for Senator Elizabeth Warren. They are demanding that Democratic lawmakers urge Mr. Biden to demand a cease-fire in Israel.

The president doesn’t have control over the conflict he has picked. Mr. Biden faces a dilemma when it comes to securing the release of Americans being held in the Gaza Strip. Hamas released two American hostages on Friday afternoon, and Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said that 10 more Americans had yet to be freed.

“It gives him an opportunity to change and strengthen his image,” said Charles R. Black Jr., a strategist for the presidential campaigns of both Bushes and Ronald Reagan. “It gives him a chance to demonstrate his strength and also his knowledge.”

Paul Begala said that voters could give Mr. Biden a second look if there is a political moment. “The fear with an incumbent president is that voters write you off, they stop listening,” he said.

What is the biggest thing about Biden? Mr. Begala commented. It was old. He has the chance to lean into it. I don’t think people are going to vote on how he does in Israel. I believe this will let them change the age problem. It is a way for people to look and say, maybe it’s good we have the old guy in there. He is steady and strong.”

If Mr. Biden does run against Mr. Trump again, he will want to keep the crisis orderly and use it as a basis for his campaign.

It is hoped that the House chaos will calm down before the election. The foreign policy of Trump is so hoc that it can always be chaotic.

In a small town in Wisconsin where harvest season had ended, a dairy farmer said the president’s appeal for military aid would be hard to sell.

Mr. Schmidt owns the largest dairy farm in Richland County, a swing district that had voted for the winning presidential candidate in every election since 1980, until 2020, when voters there went for former President Trump’s re-election.

Mr. Muller said that money comes hard here. It has been a difficult year farming for us. I think as a country, we support Israel, but I can not believe we can do so much.

The questions about the violence in the Middle East and Ukrainians were less economic than morally questionable for Janet Lucas in suburban Milwaukee. The terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israelis, in particular, were triggering for her, she said.

Ms. Lucas said there had been a fight between the two for a long time. “But the way that it was handled recently, my heart just broke of the devastation,” she said of the Hamas killings and kidnappings of Israeli families. It took me back to 9/11, in that I was frightened of who was next and if it would happen to us.

On Friday she went to Holy Hill, a basilica on a forested hillside, a country drive away from her community, Brookfield, to take in the fall colors with her son, Michael, 25, who was in town from Tampa, Fla. As African Americans, they said, they felt conflicted about the president’s call to side with Israel. They could not condone terrorist attacks, they said, but sympathized with Palestinians and what they see as the long discrimination they have endured.

“There are times when I sit in the middle, because I can see both sides of it,” Janet Lucas said. “And then I also think, is there another way, could the United States or any other country get involved to help them to come to some form of peace?”

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