The GOP is grappling with how to control the former president

Candidate Candidates for the June 13 Reionization Causal Nucleosynthesis Convention and the Michigan House of Representatives to the National Committee

I think it is a no-brainer, right? Criteria haven’t been established yet for the first debate in August. “If you’re going to be on the Republican National Committee debate stage asking voters to support you, you should say, ‘I’m going to support the voters and who they choose as the nominee,’” McDaniel added.

You want to have the people who are running for president on the debate stage. We don’t want people who are running for book deals, or media contracts, or Cabinet positions,” she said.

Republicans who have launched presidential bids include former President Donald Trump, former US ambassador to the UNNikki Haley, andentrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. Rounding out the group are Florida governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence and ex- Secretary of State Michael Pompeo.

“I don’t know her very well. She said that she was not at the recent convention. “But I’m committed to Michigan. It’s my state.”

The nomination process in the GOP presidential primary contest: Where do we stand? What do we need to focus on? How will we beat Joe Biden?

It may take months before the field fully rounds into shape and candidates make more than occasional trips to states like Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, which will kick off the GOP’s nominating process.

“We can’t be attacking each other so much that we lose sight of: We have to beat the Democrats. We need to beat Joe Biden in the year 2024. We may have divisive primaries and different opinions but in the end we have to work together to govern our country and do right by the American people.

He offered “I think you support the voters.” When asked if he believed certain White House hopefuls would sign a pledge of loyalty, he replied: “I think you support the voters.”

I was appointed by Donald Trump to the RNC. And I would support both of them … if they were the nominee of our party over Joe Biden. She was unsure if they would support each other.

She was also asked about the decision by Republicans in her home state of Michigan to decide who their party chair would be. Karamo has falsely claimed that Trump won the state in the 2020 election, and she has yet to concede her loss in last year’s race for Michigan secretary of state.

The GOP Doesn’t Want DeSantis: A New Look at Trump’s 2018 Democratic Campaign and the Implications for a New Generation of Americana

The GOP wants former President Donald Trump to play by the rules and be above his party’s interest as he launches a third campaign, and that he rarely, if ever, has done before.

Despite recent polling showing GOP enthusiasm for him isn’t what it used to be, the former president responded with his typical arrogance on Sunday. A campaign representative told CNN that a loyalty pledge required of candidates would be the reason for Trump to support the Republican nominee.

One reason why the question of whether Trump would endorse a nominee other than himself in 2024 is so topical is because of some early signs that the former president might not have quite the hold on his party as he once did. His campaign hasn’t caught on since it was launched last fall. The polls are too late in the game to make any difference, but they show that if other candidates like Haley and former Vice President Mike Pence trail in figures, then the race is over.

The GOP has capitulated to his unruly instincts and crushing of rules and conventions ever since he won the presidential nomination and took control of the party. Many GOP lawmakers amplified his false claims of electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election and whitewashed his role in the January 6, 2021, insurrection.

Questions about whether Trump would support DeSantis as nominee – or anyone else who might beat him – stemmed from a radio interview with Hugh Hewitt earlier this month.

It would be a nightmare scenario for the GOP if Trump were to lose the party’s nominating contest next year but spend the general election railing against the party’s presidential pick. Swing state race that decided the last two presidential elections could be affected by small defections among Trump’s grassroots political base.

Trump pretends to be a shoo- in for a third straight spot at the top of the Republican ticket. But that assumption will face a new test this week when DeSantis, whom Trump has already accused of disloyalty for considering a White House run, promotes and releases a new book in a rite of passage for potential presidential candidates.

Trump has also lashed out at Nikki Haley, who served as his ambassador to the United Nations and has launched a 2024 bid rooted in calls for a new generation of American political leadership. Both Trump and Haley are scheduled to speak at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference outside Washington, DC. DeSantis, meanwhile, is scheduled to attend events in Texas and California.


The CP Violating Failure of Donald Trump in the 2020 General Election: The Case for a New Look at the Party Structure of the Democratic Party

While requiring debate candidates to sign a pledge to support the nominee would be a show of party unity and would, in effect, be an attempt to box Trump in, it would hardly be enforceable should the ex-president not win the nomination. Given that Trump already falsely claimed the 2020 general election, which he lost fair and square, was marred by voter fraud, it’s hardly far-fetched to believe he may trash any nomination process that he doesn’t win.

I think they all want to debate. I think President Trump would like to be on the debate stage. That’s what he likes to do,” McDaniel told Bash.

The RNC head, who just won her own contested reelection, also warned that the GOP has lost big races in the midterms “because of Republicans refusing to support other Republicans. And unless we fix this in our party, unless we start coming together, we will not win in 2024.”

It may be that Trump has a problem beyond his own, since some potential GOP 2024 candidates have warned that he is no longer fit to hold the party’s mantle, because of his role in inciting a mob attack on Congress.

It is still unclear as to whether or not Trump would stand up to his attacks on the debate stage. And many once vaunted candidates – like former Govs. Jeb Bush of Florida and Scott Walker of Wisconsin – have looked strong in theory, only to see their campaigns flame out when they hit the trail.

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