The student who was arrested in the classroom is being responded to by a HBCU
An Investigative Investigation of a student’s weaponization on the campus of Winston-Salem State High School, where the student and the professor were not identified
The use of law enforcement on the college’s campus was brought up after a video showing a student’s arrest in school went public.
The student and the professor were not identified by Winston-Salem State, which is an HBCU, shorthand for historically Black colleges and universities.
In the video, two police officers can be seen handcuffing the student, who is Black, as other students film the arrest and express shock at what is happening. The student is yelling and crying at the professor. I swear to God, I hate you.”
The student says that you are the worst teacher in the world. You get me taken out in handcuffs because I won’t apologize? Because I won’t apologize, you started yelling at me. You tried to embarrass me about my paper.”
“We understand that the weaponization of police is a prevalent problem in our community; however, that is not what happened in this incident,” Robinson wrote.
“We know this situation has caused a great deal of trauma to those involved and our campus community at large, but please know that every available resource is being extended to bring a resolution,” he continued.
She said that the professor was very emotional and shaken by all of this. There have been threats to her safety which are cause for alarm.
Robinson wrote a letter that said they knew you wanted immediate answers. The speed of our processes does not match the speed of social media. Ultimately, we are committed to ensuring due diligence and fairness. We want you to be patient as we need to take the necessary time to make sure everyone is safe.
The lawsuit against the O’Dea family after a student in a high school is suing against a school for a new jersey teenage suicide suicide
More than a year before a 14-year-old student took her own life after a TikTok video showed she was attacked by four other teenagers, another student at the same high school was physically assaulted after reporting threats being made against her to the school, a lawsuit alleges.
CNN has reviewed a video showing a freshman student getting hit in the face with a water bottle. The footage shows Adriana was punched, kicked and her hair was pulled. Kuch says his daughter suffered bruising and blacked out for a short time as a result of the attack.
A teacher referred her to a guidance counselor after she reported the threats, but he wasn’t available. The student then met with the school’s principal and vice principal – an anti-bullying specialist, according to the state school directory – and reported the threats of violence made against her before she was assaulted, according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit says that neither the school district nor the administrators took any action to deal with the threatening behavior that she spoke with.
“The school basically just dismissed them as some conflict. They didn’t offer any protection for the client and didn’t call the police,” the attorney representing the O’Dea family, Jonathan Ettman, told CNN.
An answer to the lawsuit was filed by a lawyer for the school district, the board of education and the principal. ThePlaintiffs are beginning to conduct discovery.
Source: https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/13/us/new-jersey-teen-suicide-school-bullying-lawsuit/index.html
Triantafillos Parlapanides has resigned from his post at St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls after a sexual assault incident
The girl was hit in the head, neck and back around 30 times and had a concussion according to Racheal O’Dea. She underwent counseling for PTSD, six months of physical therapy, and saw multiple doctors, her mom said.
Parlapanides proved himself to be incapable of leading the school through these types of situations. It trickles down. The level of incompetence that we have seen in our case and now with Adriana, it speaks for itself.
The district said in a statement that Triantafillos Parlapanides resigned from his position on Saturday and that he left effective immediately.
“The District has contacted the [state] Department of Education and will undergo an independent assessment of the District’s anti-bullying policies and ensure every necessary safeguard is in place to protect our students and staff,” the statement says.
One of the teenagers has been charged with assault, two face conspiracy to commit assault and a fourth is accused of harassment, according to the prosecutor. Billhimer said that prosecutors were not able to release certain information due to the students being juvenile.
The students responsible for the video, which showed one girl making racist comments and another spray painting another girl’s face black, are no longer students at the high school.
“The young women who (sic) responsible for this situation have been identified and they are no longer members of this school community,” Saint Hubert Catholic High School For Girls wrote in a statement published Saturday. The decision was made following an investigation into the incident, according to the statement.
The Black Girl That Spray Paints Your Face: The Case of Staining a Black Girl at a Catholic College in Philadelphia, PA
The girl spray painting the face of the other girl is black and she says, “You’re a Black girl!” You are aware of your roots! February is here! You’re nothing but a slave … and after this, she’s doing my laundry.” People in the video can be heard laughing as this occurs. One person is seen filming the incident on her phone. The girl who had her face painted black says, “I’m Black and I’m proud.”
When asked about whether the video was initially sent to Black students at the school, Kenneth Gavin, chief communications officer for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, told CNN, “At this time it is unknown as to the exact distribution. My understanding is that it was posted and shared on social media.”
The Anti-Defamation League was going to offer anti-bias workshops in February after the school denounced the behavior in the video.
Faculty and students returned to Saint Hubert Catholic High School on Monday, the school wrote in its statement, adding there would be a “visible and active police presence around the campus perimeter.”