Biden told his donors that Trump wants to destroy democracy
On Biden, the Left, and the Left: Donald Trump, Joe Biden and the CP/Mesh Campaign and their Social Media Controversy
At a recent rally in South Dakota, Trump referenced Biden almost 60 times. In contrast, he mentioned Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, his closest rival in the Republican primary, just twice.
“They’re just destroying our country,” Trump said. “And if we don’t take it back — if we don’t take it back in ’24, I really believe we’re not going to have a country left.”
Donald Trump is winning by a wide margin over his GOP opponents. Hogan Gidley, who is still speaking with Trump, said that he didn’t need to talk about any of them.
Gidley said the focus is and should be on Joe Biden. “That’s the person Republicans want to unseat,” he said. Donald Trump should continue to attack that person.
For example, Trump’s also shifted the focus of his ads. After spending millions of dollars in advertisements against the congressman, Trump’s campaign and his Super PAC have stopped running ads against him.
According to Ad Impact, they’ve spent more than $1 million on ads against Biden in the last few weeks.
Donald Trump shifts focus to Joe Biden: a candidate who can’t even run for the presidency if he fails to rematch the 2020 primary
It signals a shift away from the closest competitor in the primary to what Trump seems to see as his closest competition overall as he gears up for what would be a rematch of the 2020 election.
Adding to that, once again Trump will skip next week’s Republican debate in California. A source close to the plans said he would speak to striking union autoworkers in Detroit on their call for better contract terms from top automakers.
Trump and his campaign don’t believe that he needs to be with the other candidates. Ahead of the first debate, which he did not participate in, Trump said he did not want to give attention to other campaigns by standing center stage.
Trump told Tucker Carlson, a former Fox News host, that some of them were at zero and two. “And I’m saying, ‘Do I sit there for an hour or two hours?’ Whatever it’s going to be, and get harassed by people that shouldn’t even be running for president? Should I be doing that?
“Donald Trump lost the presidential race in part because he never got a good opportunity to attack Joe Biden, who served as vice president before him,” said Conant. “I think he’s going to road test everything under the sun in hopes of finding a punch that can land before the general election next year.”
Source: Tired of the Republican primary, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump shifts focus to Biden
How Donald Trump and the Republicans Are Determined to Disrupt American Democracy: The Case for Biden in the White House after the Georgia Indictment
But he got some help from surrogates in the House of Representatives in the wake of his most recent indictment in Georgia as those lawmakers shifted attention by launching an impeachment inquiry into Biden over his son’s business dealings.
“I don’t care what anyone tells you, when you’re in the White House, that could be a dangerous place to be,” said Sosnik, an adviser to Clinton when he was impeached.
Biden will come out ahead politically in the long run, but Sosnik thinks impeachment will give Trump an effective counter punch to his base ahead of his criminal trials.
Sosnik said that while this was successful in the short term, it was going to cost him in the end. That is a Faustian bargain that he has decided to make.
It was a rousing reelection stump speech from President Biden, delivered to a theater full of enthusiastic supporters, where he jabbed at the Republican front runner, former president Donald Trump.
At fundraisers, Biden is typically less guarded than in settings where cameras are present. His first reaction to the House impeachment inquiry came at a fundraiser last week in Northern Virginia.
Biden said Donald Trump and the Republican Party are “Determined to destroy American democracy,” while speaking to a crowd of about 1,500 people at one of his fund-raisers.
The closed door donor events where the president crystalizes his reelection pitch are the ones where he focuses on selling his administration’s accomplishments.
Biden made a point in his speeches that he would use defending democracy as a central theme in his reelection campaign.
Biden gave a similar take on Trump in an intimate event days after he did the same thing with Amy Goldman Fowler, a major donor to the Democratic Party.
“I have a dining room, a private dining room off of the Oval Office. Biden said a man sat there on January 6th and watched what was happening on television and did nothing about it.
Running with a bull’s eye: Bettee Biden’s old age and what he learned from his time in the White House
The strategy of having the two somewhat separated is a smart one according to Karen Finney, who worked on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Most Americans don’t pay much attention to the presidential race but they do watch the president talk about things that affect their daily lives.
He sometimes describes the people standing along his motorcade routes flipping him off or holding pro-Trump flags. And he often jokes about what is widely seen as his greatest weakness with voters: the fact that he is 80 years old.
“You may have noticed, a lot of people seem focused on my age,” Biden said to laughter at the Broadway event this week. “Well, I get it, believe me. I know more than anyone else.
He argued that his experience made him uniquely equipped to handle the COVID crisis and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He ended his remarks with his usual line about optimism.