Here’s who they are the 19-member criminal enterprise in Georgia
Anti-Trump Action: The Atlanta DA Charged Trump with High-Stakes Anomaly Willis Is Not Worth It
“When you take one case and say this is going to dominate our judicial system for weeks or months or a year, it’s just a political decision she needs to make,” he says. Is it worth it?
Don Samuel, an Atlanta defense attorney representing the Georgia legislature in the case, told NPR in an interview last July that convictions are not guaranteed and that the case is costing resources from the district attorney’s office.
Not only do the crimes she’s charged him with tightly match specific Georgia laws, Eisen also thinks Willis may be more free than the Justice Department to charge a former president.
The controversy of the case made her prepare for this moment, says her co-prosecutor. Trump condemned the man and he has faced threats.
“She’s learing to be more comfortable with that driver’s seat.” If you are close to the edge, you may hear an alarm that will tell you to go back to the center. And I think she will.”
The Cases of Beating the Devil: An Investigation of a Charged RICO Black Hole in Fulton County, Georgia, and Coffee County
Still, Willis has made some mistakes. One of the fake voters she was targeting hosted a political fundraiser for her last year. A judge disqualified the office from prosecuting him, after he called the situation “what are you thinking?”
The shooter who is accused of killing eight people in Atlanta-area spas and six asian women will be facing hate crime enhancements.
“My career has taught me, no matter the political pressure, just do what’s right,” Willis pledged as she took office. “And no matter if you were at the state Capitol or the slums, you will be held accountable if you commit a crime in my community.”
“If you’ve gotten one shot when you go into the doctor, you know what it feels like to take a shot,” he says. “So if you have to take two or three more, you can handle it.”
Georgia’s RICO laws can be used to prosecute large-scale criminal cases, like the cheating scandal. She’s also involved in a RICO gang case with the rapper Young Thug.
Former president — and current 2024 Republican frontrunner — Donald Trump is one of 19 people charged in the Fulton County indictment, which alleges a coordinated group effort to pressure Georgia officials into changing the outcome of the 2020 election.
Another section of the indictment deals with the effort to unlawfully copy election data in rural Coffee County, where Trump allies gained access to a voting machine and hired an IT firm to search for widespread voter fraud, which did not exist.
Several individuals who participated in that plan are facing charges, including a former Republican Party official in Coffee County.
Fred Smith Jr. says that under the RICO Act, prosecutors simply need to prove that the defendants were associated “in fact” and not involved in a formal enterprise.
The Fulton County District Attorney’s battle for the case against a group of ninety-five defendants, with one as a defense attorney
The logistical challenges that could be posed by trying all the 19 defendants together are what the Fulton County District Attorney wants to tackle.
Defendants could choose to petition the court to argue that they won’t get a fair trial as a group and ask for their cases be separated from some or all of the others, according to NBC News.
They could also try to have the case moved from state to federal court, says Stephen Gillers, a professor emeritus at the New York University School of Law.
Gillers says a jury would be picked from a more conservative area in order to benefit the defendants, compared to jurors in Fulton County. Plus, he adds, it could delay the case for several months.
He predicted there would be a battle over the conduct alleged in the next two months.
At that point they would be arraigned, a process that involves hearing the charges, entering a plea and taking fingerprints and mugshots (which would be a first for Trump, despite this being his fourth indictment). The defendants could be arraigned individually or together.