The rallies try to change the song from ‘Crooked Joe’ to ‘Comrade Kamala’

Trump spoke behind bulletproof glass at a rally after the attack by a Pennsylvania gunman in Asheville, North Carolina, during the November 2016 presidential debate

The Democrats are going to do everything they can to keep her up on the pedestal, she said.

The retired business owner from North Carolina said she was positive about the race against Harris and had attended five of the Trump rallies.

While she is bullish on the Republican’s chances, a retired flight attendant and private pilot says we must be strong if we are to avoid a bad outcome.

Trump won North Carolina by a large margin. Four years ago, the state delivered the closest statewide win for the former president and he is now considered a crucial battleground in the next election.

Reflecting the importance of North Carolina in this year’s election, the trip was Trump’s second to the state in just the past week. Last Wednesday, he appeared in Asheville, North Carolina, for a speech on the economy.

Trump, who is facing Harris in the November election after Biden stepped aside, spoke from behind a podium surrounded by panes of bulletproof glass that formed a protective wall across the stage — part of ramped-up security measures aimed at keeping him safe after the attack by a Pennsylvania gunman on July 13.

In his keynote speech at the DNC in Chicago, Trump blamed President Biden and Vice President Harris for the war in Afghanistan, as well as the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, all of which the speaker after speaker hadsailed Trump as a threat to the country.

Source: Trump speaks behind bulletproof glass at 1st outdoor rally since attempted assassination

The First Lady, the President, and the Democrat: What Have We Learned about the First Lady and the President of the United States?

The former president, now the GOP nominee, asked the crowd gathered at the North Carolina Aviation Museum & Hall of Fame if they had heard the speeches by the former President and former first lady.

He was taking shots at your president. And so was she. They always say to Sir, please stick to policy. Don’t get personal. He asked if he need to stick to policy, because they are getting personal all night long.

Storage containers were stacked around the perimeter to create additional walls and block sight lines. Snipers were positioned on roofs at the venue, where old aircraft were sitting behind the podium and a large American flag was suspended from cranes.

At a counterprogramming event in Michigan Tuesday, a lower-energy Trump turned an attack on Harris and immigration into a refrain, once again, about Biden.

The second night of the Democrats’ convention Tuesday was a highly energized affair that featured speeches from both Obamas, who went after Trump in particularly biting terms.

“His limited and narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hardworking, highly educated, successful people who happen to be Black,” Michelle Obama said.

Barack Obama mocked Trump’s obsession with his crowd sizes and called Trump “a 78-year-old billionaire who hasn’t stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago.”

“It has been a constant stream of gripes and grievances that have gotten worse now that he’s afraid of losing to Kamala,” the former president said.

At an August press conference at his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida, Trump said he wanted to run against someone else. That was their choice. They decided to do that, because Kamala’s record is horrible. She’s a radical left person at a level that nobody’s seen.”

As Harris is set to take the stage tonight to close out the Democratic National Convention and the presidential campaign enters its final weeks, though, Trump is still rewinding to the past.

Biden resisted the call for resignation from the Army, but he defended his actions during the 2016 midterm elections in OHio

He repeatedly referenced the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, and said that, if he wins, he will ask for the resignation of every senior military official who was involved.

He vowed to get race and gender theories out of the armed forces. Biden reversed the Pentagon policy that had banned trans people from serving in the military.

“Our warriors should be focused on defeating America’s enemies, not figuring out their genders,” he said. If you would like to have a sex change or a social justice seminar in another organization, you can do that there, but you will not be allowed in the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Space Force, or the United States Marines.

“We’re going to make it so hot that I’m going to want to resign and join the military,” said Trump, who received a series of deferments, including one attained with a physician’s letter stating that he suffered from bone spurs in his feet.

Trump was joined by his running mate, a Senator from OHio who cast Harris as a candidate being selected by power brokers instead of voters.

He continued to accuse Walz of mischaracterizing his service record as an Army National Guard member as well as criticized him for retiring from service before his deployment to Iraq.

Since Biden dropped out of the race a month ago, Trump has not been able to keep up with the demands of the audience for new material.

But even then, the presidential putdowns have lost their edge since his first run for office in the 2016 election and are increasingly buried by Trump’s nonsensical asides.

Trump still commands capacity crowds, and shows why Republican voters have him in their hall of fame, but lately he’s sounded more like an aging rock star stuck in the past, and whose new riffs aren’t always in tune with the moment.

Trump’s remixed rallies try to change the tune from ‘Crooked Joe’ to ‘Comrade Kamala’

“But soon we’re going to fix every single problem Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, ‘Crooked Joe,’ have cre–what happened to Biden?,” he said, breaking from his speech. I am running against somebody else because I was running against Biden. It is true! You know, it’s interesting, I said… ‘Who am I running against? Harris? I asked, “Who the hell is Harris?” You know. Who the hell is Harris?

There’s still time for Trump to remix his pitch, as the GOP emphasizes immigration and the economy as two issues that they hope resonate more with voters.

He said he didn’t need a bill, so she didn’t need a bill. “Biden doesn’t know where he is. So where is he? What happened to him? He got out. He got out. He’s now sunbathing. He’s at a beach.

Source: Trump’s remixed rallies try to change the tune from ‘Crooked Joe’ to ‘Comrade Kamala’

Comments on Hayes’ “I Know What You’re doing” Against Trump’s Frequent Outro Song “Hold On, I’m Coming”

Celine Dion objected to “My Heart Will Go On” being used before a Montana event, writing online that its use was unauthorized and asked “really, that song?”

Plus, the family of songwriter Isaac Hayes filed suit this week over the use of Trump’s frequent outro song “Hold On, I’m Coming” which Hayes co-wrote for the group Sam and Dave.

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