Harris has selected Tim Walz as her running mate

Tim Walz, a Minnesota Governor, Tapes Her Minnesota Governor as Her Running M”arepresident

I’ve gotten to know the Governor from a different point of view. I have deep respect for his candidacy when he and I ran together for the same office,” Murphy said. He’s good at it. And he’s been a great governor.”

In his first term, Walz faced a divided government — a Democrat-led House and GOP-led Senate. During the year he worked with lawmakers to pass a budget with wins for both sides.

The compromises that worked well for the state of Minnesota were found. He agreed to fund education at levels higher than I thought we should because of the tax cuts that I was pushing.

Schools should be emptied to curb the spread of the virus. He required that face masks be worn in public places, and he shut down restaurants and houses of worship.

Many people grew frustrated by the limitations in their lives and the authority of Walz because the restrictions that were initially intended to be brief were stretched on.

Source: Harris taps Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate

Tim Walz Taps George Floyd: He Needs a National Guard Soldier to Go On, Not Wanna He Get It? The 2020 Minnesota Infuriated Case of Floyd

In May of 2020, Minnesota faced another moment of crisis. Minneapolis Police officer Chauvin knelt on George Floyd’s neck as he asked for help in a video that has been broadcasted around the world. Floyd died, and frustration ignited protests and riots around the city.

Walz called in thousands of National Guard soldiers and state troopers to police the Twin Cities, but not quickly enough to prevent the burning of a police precinct and looting of several businesses.

“We cannot have the looting and the recklessness that went on, we cannot have it because we can’t function as a society and I refuse to have it take away the attention of the state that we need to be working on,” Walz told reporters days into the riots.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey disagreed with his counterpart about who should be in charge. The former Senate majority leader said that the governor acted too late.

“I felt like he froze,” Gazelka said. Mayor Frey asked for the National Guard to be out three days beyond what they were. I don’t think that it’s right for the crisis to be not handled in a proper way.

The call-up of the National Guard took place before the election, and Trump took credit for the soldiers being sent in because of conversations with the Walz administration.

Democrats checked off every item on their wish list, including free breakfast and lunch for students, legal protections for abortion, clean energy mandates, restrictions on guns, and the restoration of voter rights.

Source: Harris taps Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate

Tim Walz: A Grandparent of a Girlfriend, a Monster, and a Political Hero (before he got into office in March of 2000)

Education Minnesota President Denise Specht, who leads the state’s largest teachers’ union, said Walz hasn’t forgotten his teaching roots while in office.

The governor has a good record for investing in public education. He has done things to improve working lives for working families and protect collective bargaining. Specht said that. “He has a great track record that I think would resonate across this country.”

The governor’s national profile was helped launch by Walz’s policy wins. He became chair of the Democratic Governors Association and co-chair of the Democratic National Convention’s Rules Committee.

Asked if the raft of Minnesota policy changes would make him too progressive, Walz joked that he was a monster for supporting efforts to fund school lunches and guarantee legal protections for those seeking abortions.

“This individual says, ‘You’re not going to be allowed to enter, you’ve been deemed a threat,’” Walz told Minnesota Public Radio years after the exchange with a security guard. “It was a combination of being a little bit frustrated and a kind of epiphany moment of how it felt for people to be looked right through.”

When Walz was beginning to get into politics, he took some students to aGeorge W. Bush campaign rally. Walz said they were asked to leave because some were wearing stickers supporting Bush’s opponent, John Kerry.

He earned a social science degree from Chadron State College in Nebraska in 1989 funded by the GI Bill, then spent a year teaching in China through a Harvard University exchange program before returning to teach students in his home state. He met his wife while teaching. The pair moved to Minnesota in 1996 and taught at a high school in Mankato, Minn. Walz also spent time coaching football and was an assistant on a state title winning team.

The son of a farmer and enlisted in the Army National Guard at the age of 17, he did not return to college. He points to his upbringing in a small community, noting that several of his cousins were classmates.

Two sources close to the Harris campaign tell NPR that Tim Walz, the second term governor of Minnesota with a folksy demeanor, was the vice presidential pick.

But in the ensuing weeks, Biden ended his reelection campaign and Democrats coalesced around Harris with a surge in fundraising and enthusiasm that has led to a much more competitive contest.

Walz: The Midwestern Mean to Vote for Changes in the Laws of the Landau-Country and the Voter’s Rights

Walz is fond of one-liners and dad jokes that he uses to poke at political rivals. He recycles them a lot. He is also not afraid to look angry and wears a plain T-shirt and ball cap instead of a suit. He talks fast and is a former high school football coach, so he tends to trip over his words, or if he does, he gets confused.

There are questions of the governor’s response to riots after the murder of George Floyd and widespread fraud during COVID-19 under a federal program that feeds kids. The state Department of Education was found to have failed in its oversight.

In recent interviews, Walz has described former President Donald Trump’s policy priorities as “weird” and said Democrats would expand reproductive health, voting and workers’ rights, if elected.

The former high school geography teacher and National Guard veteran, who helped green light a slate of progressive policy priorities in Minnesota, could help win over voters in Midwestern swing states.

This is the kind of Midwestern dad humor that has endeared Harris supporters to the 60-year-old father of two, whose national visibility has been on the rise since Harris took over the Democratic ticket.

The X user explained that the Midwestern Nice thing is down, and that it’s the Midwestern Mean they should be looking out for. “Middle-aged dudes from the Midwest can cut you with a ‘You really let me down’ or ‘You’re acting like a Class-A moron.’ “

He spoke about former President Donald Trump, but didn’t talk about the “weird” line he used against him and his running mate.

The Challenge of Kamala Harris as a Misfit: After the 2016 GOP Primary, Jeremiah Vance Expends a Hard Look at the Clinton Campaign

“It’s a helpful tactic to build upon the newly emerging interest and engagement of younger voters since Harris took over the top of the ticket,” said Democratic strategist and media consultant Bud Jackson.

Either way, Walz deployed the term during his first campaign address on Tuesday — though he stressed he meant it about the top of the ticket, not other Republican supporters. Clinton’s campaign was damaged when she referred to half of Trump’s supporters as a “basket of misfits”.

“Just an observation of mine that I made,” he told the crowd. “I can only say that these guys are really weird and you feel it, you know it.”

The prebuttal tour comes after a tumultuous six weeks of presidential politics that has seen each major party’s fortunes reverse, and after Vance’s rocky start on the campaign trail as Trump’s vice presidential pick.

He said thatKamala Harris has been a disaster as vice president of the country. We have a war in Europe, the Middle East threatens to spiral out of control, and world financial markets are in chaos. Everything that Kamala Harris touches has been a disaster, and we have got to kick her out of the United States government, not give her a promotion.”

After President Biden’s abysmal debate performance, and coming into the Republican National Convention last month, Trump enjoyed a large polling lead. The selection of the Ohio U.S. senator to join the ticket signaled confidence in the race.

In early appearances after accepting the nomination, Vance struggled with some attack lines against Harris, went viral for joking that Democrats would call drinking Diet Mountain Dew racist, and came under fire for prior comments in which he derided Democratic women without children as “childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives.” Democrats have pounded away at Vance for his views and comments.

Now, Vance appears to have sharpened his stump speech and is taking a leading role in attacking Harris and Walz, attempting to paint them as far-left liberals out of touch with everyday Americans.

His events have focused in particular on tying Harris to the Biden administration’s record on immigration and border security, and have featured comments from local residents who blame Democratic policies for worsening crime, opioid addiction and other issues.

“Democrats claim to have cleaned up the streets, but it has not worked,” Geraldine Briggs of Philadelphia said. “The border crisis has led to an influx of drugs coming across the border and impacting families like mine throughout the city.”

Tim Walz, a Radical Human and the Black-White-Hadron Correspondence: A Criticism of Tim Vance

In Michigan Wednesday, Vance expanded his criticism to Walz, who was a more moderate Democrat during his time in Congress but as governor of Minnesota has embraced more progressive policies.

The man is a radical human from the far- left wing of the Democrat Party. “And what Kamala Harris is telling all of us by selecting Tim Walz is that she bends the knee to the far left of the Democrat Party.”

Both of them are unknown to the electorate so these early days of campaigning try to set the tone for the next three months.

He was asked about the comments Trump made last week about Harris, including claims that she turned black for political gain.

President Trump said something but that wasn’t something that I cared about, said Vance whose wife is Indian American. I don’t think it was an attack on Harris’ biracial background at all. What I took it as was an attack on Kamala Harris being a chameleon. She pretends to be one thing when she’s in front of one audience. She is pretending to be something else when she is in front of an audience.

Tim Walz’s introduction to the national stage: What he’s like growing up with in the heartland, and what he can do about it

Trump’s only scheduled campaign event this week is a rally in Bozeman, Mont., for U.S. Senate nominee Tim Sheehy in a competitive race that could help decide control of that chamber.

“Like all regular people I grew up with in the heartland, JD studied at Yale, had his career funded by Silicon Valley billionaires and then wrote a best seller trashing that community. Come on. That’s not what middle America is. And I gotta tell you. It will be great to debate the guy. If he’s willing to get off the couch and show up.

He talked about what it’s like growing up in a rural community, how neighbors treat each other, about valuing compromise while not compromising his values, he said.

Source: Takeaways from Tim Walz’s introduction [to the national stage](https://lostobject.org/2024/08/03/opinion-why-josh-shapiro-would-make-a-difference-for-ms-harris/)

Tim Walz: What he did in Minnesota to make sure the VP was happy, but didn’t want to make the Top of the ticket

He no doubt went after Trump and Vance, but a VP is also supposed to make the top of the ticket look better and bring balance. Walz certainly did that. He said Harris brings joy, but he is known for being joyful. He is giving that to her by proxy.

Some people are old enough to remember the time when Republicans were talking about freedom. It turns out now what they meant was that the government should be free to invade your doctor’s office. In Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and their choices. Even if we wouldn’t make the same choice for ourselves, there’s a golden rule, ‘Mind your own damn business.’ ”

I can see you down there. He pointed at others in the front rows and said he saw old, white guys.

Source: Takeaways from Tim Walz’s introduction to the national stage

Walz is not from San Francisco, but a friend of the congressman d’Ampl’etimes c’est l’elephant

We don’t know if Walz is from San Francisco. Tuesday night he made that clear. He made a remark that could be considered the elephant in the room.

Harris didn’t know the Minnesota governor and former congressman well, if at all, before this process. But his speech with Harris in Philadelphia Tuesday introducing the Harris-Walz ticket to the country made his appeal clear.

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