The Chinese are working more with the Belt and Road

Using an online tool to manage the Nature Index to boost China’s public awareness of its economic and political power: the Fudan University Case Study

China’s areas of relative weakness have the highest percentage of internationally collaborative papers. China had a lower international article percentage than every other country in the Nature Index. It is a higher percentage in biological sciences than in the United States.

In reality it is about far more than just infrastructure. It is an attempt by the Chinese President to boost China’s economic and political power by cementing ties with other countries around the world. The Green Finance and Development Center at the Fudan University is keeping a close eye on the BRI. It estimates that China has spent over 1 trillion dollars on the initiative since it was launched in July of 2013, with more than 150 countries already involved.

The Glossary and Methodology used in this supplement is described in a guide and you can find theFunctionality free online.

To glean a country’s, territory’s, region’s or an institution’s contribution to an article, and to ensure that they are not counted more than once, the Nature Index uses Share, a fractional count that takes into account the share of authorship on each article. The total Share available per article is one, which is shared among all authors. The Share of 0.1 for an article with 10 authors is a representation of the number of authors. The author’s Share is split equally between the institutions that they are affiliated with. The total Share for an institution is calculated by summing the Share for individual affiliated authors. The process for countries is similar, but it is complicated by the fact that some institutions have overseas labs.

Adjusted Share accounts for the small annual variation in the total number of articles in the Nature Index journals. It is done by adjusting the Share values to the base year levels and calculating the percentage difference in the total number of articles in the index in a given year.

The sum of their shares on the papers to which each institution contributed is the sum of the bilateral collaboration score between the two institutions. A bilateral collaboration can be between any two institutions or countries/territories co-authoring at least one article in the journals tracked by the Nature Index.

Each query will return a profile page that lists the country or institution’s recent outputs, from which it is possible to drill down for more information. A journal can be used to display articles. Research outputs are organized by subject area. The pages list the institution’s top partners as well as its relationship with other organizations. Users can track an institution’s performance over time, create their own indexes and export table data.

The leading Chinese institutions are shown based on their article Share (share) in different subjects in 2023 and the top rising institutions are shown based on their change in adjusted Share from 2022 to 2023 in this supplement. The 2023 data were estimated using a 12-month rolling window from 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2023.

Data for the article on the Belt and Road Initiative were based on a set of countries listed by the Green Finance and Development Center at Fudan University in Shanghai.

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The country is at the top of the Nature Index because of strength in chemistry and physical sciences. But there is untapped potential in other subject areas.

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