It was reported on January 6th that deplatforming reduced the reach of misinformation
Facebook, Human Rights, and the Rise of Misinformation: An Independent Assessment of the Human Rights Impact of Facebook in Myanmar (New York Times, Washington Post and Reuters)
Warofka, A. An independent assessment of the human rights impact of Facebook in Myanmar. Facebook Newsroom, https://about.fb.com/news/2018/11/myanmar-hria/ (2018).
The misinformation went down dramatically the week after they banned Trump and others. The Washington Post has a post on misinformation-trump.
Social media makes misinformation louder than information. The New York Times has a report about misinformationintegrity institute.
Dang, S. Elon Musk’s X restructuring curtails disinformation research, spurs legal fears. Reuters https://www.reuters.com/technology/elon-musks-x-restructuring-curtails-disinformation-research-spurs-legal-fears-2023-11-06/ (6 November 2023).
Why fake news media should be blamed for the election. An update on the riots in Washington, DC, via the social network Dwoskin, E. Trump
Yildirim, M. M., Nagler, J., Bonneau, R. & Tucker, J. A. Short of suspension: how suspension warnings can reduce hate speech on Twitter. Perspect. Politics 21, 651–663 (2023).
Spier, R. E. Perception of risk of vaccine adverse events: a historical perspective. In 2001 the vaccine was 20 S78–S84. This article documents the history of untrustworthy information about vaccines, which long predates social media.
Donato, K. M., Singh, L., Arab, A., Jacobs, E. & Post, D. Misinformation about COVID-19 and Venezuelan migration: trends in Twitter conversation during a pandemic. Harvard Data Sci. Rev. 4, https://doi.org/10.1162/99608f92.a4d9a7c7 (2022).
Watts, D. J. & Rothschild, D. M. Don’t blame the election on fake news. The media should be blamed for it. Columbia J. Rev. 5, https://www.cjr.org/analysis/fake-news-media-election-trump.php (2017). This paper explores how seemingly large exposure levels to problematic content actually represent a small proportion of total news exposure.
Persily, N. in New Technologies of Communication and the First Amendment: The Internet, Social Media and Censorship (ed. Bollinger L. C. & Stone, G. R.) (Oxford Univ. The press is out in 2022.
Section 230 of the Communications Decency act is a law that does not require a good Samaritan to act. UCLA Ent. L. Rev. https://doi.org/10.5070/LR8211027178 (2014).
Digital constitutionalism is the use of rule of law to evaluate governance by platforms. S.p. Media Soc. 4, 2056305118787812 (2018).
It is possible for users to have adverse experiences on the micro-networking website, which is known for its safety. An update following the riots in Washington, DC. You can follow the discussion following theriots in Washington, on the social network.
Dwoskin, E. Trump is suspended from Facebook for 2 years and can’t return until ‘risk to public safety is receded’. The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/06/03/trump-facebook-oversight-board/ (4 June 2021).
The riots in France when Facebook got involved are what happens when the social network gets involved with local news. The article “Ryan hates France-paris yellow jackets” was posted on Buzzfeed News.
Chandrasekharan, E. et al. You can no longer stay here: the effectiveness of the ban examined through hate speech. Proc. The journal of the ACM, the Academy of Classical Medicine. Comput. Put yourself in the shoes of Interact. 31, 2017).
Matias and his research team were responsible for the prevention of harassment and increased group participation in 2,190 online science discussions. Proc. The Natl Acad. is a professional journal. Sci. USA 116, 9785–9789 (2019).
The Washington Post and the Washington Post: Twitter and the Capitol-Mob-Trump’s latest QAnon enforcement on social media
Barry, D. & Frenkel, S. ‘Be there. Will be crazy! Trump circled the date. The New York Times has a story about Capitol-Mob-trump-supporters.
Dwoskin, E. & Tiku, N. How Twitter, on the front lines of history, finally decided to ban Trump. The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/01/16/how-twitter-banned-trump/ (16 January 2021).
The new video refutes claims that Twitter deleted pro-Trump views before January 6. The Washington Post has a new technology video.
Romm, T. & Dwoskin, E. Twitter purged more than 70,000 accounts affiliated with QAnon following Capitol riot. The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/01/11/trump-twitter-ban/ (11 January 2021).
Denham, H. These are the platforms that have banned Trump and his allies. The Washington Post has a story on Trump banned from social media.
Graphika Team. DisQualified: network impact of Twitter’s latest QAnon enforcement. Graphika Blog https://graphika.com/posts/disqualified-network-impact-of-twitters-latest-qanon-enforcement/ (2021).
Harwell, D. & Dawsey, J. Trump is sliding toward online irrelevance. His new blog isn’t helping. The Washington Post published a story about Trump’s online traffic gaffe on May 21st.
Source: Post-January 6th deplatforming reduced the reach of misinformation on Twitter
News use across social media platforms in 2020: a survey of Musk’s tweet is becoming a sewer of misinformation on Twitter in 2020
Calonico, Cattaneo, M D. and Titiunik are all part of the research group. Econometrica 81, 2295–2326.
Shearer, E. & Mitchell, A. News use across social media platforms in 2020. The news use across social media platforms in 2020 is the topic of a report by the Pew Research Center.
Musk’s tweet is becoming a sewer of misinformation. On July 15, there was a Foreign Policy article about verified misinformation and trust safety.
K, Joseph and others. There is a discrepancy between social media data and public opinion surveys. The Association for Computational Linguistics has a conference on empirical methods in natural language processing.
Source: Post-January 6th deplatforming reduced the reach of misinformation on Twitter
Estimation bias in social networks: how much should we trust the estimates? A new publication in J. Statistical Phys. Lett. A 171, 173, 173, 182, 182, and 192
How much should we trust the estimates? J. Financ. There is a science called economics. 142, 149, 160, 173, 172, 172, 173, 173, 174, 182, 182, 192, 192
Cattaneo, M.D. and Farrell, M.H. are related. Bias estimation has a negative effect on coverage accuracy. J. Am. Stat. A.l. 113, 761–731 was published this year.
Eckles, D., Karrer, B. & Johan, U. Design and analysis of experiments in networks: reducing bias from interference. J. Causal Inference https://doi.org/10.1515/jci-2015-0021 (2016).
Brady, W. J., McLoughlin, K., Doan, T. N. & Crockett, M. J. How social learning amplifies moral outrage expression in online social networks. Sci. Adv. 7, eabe5641 (2021).
Why Facebook isn’t going anywhere for citizens: A systematic review of data privacy trade-offs and tools for citizen science, according to a new paper by L. Anhalt-Depies and B. Stenglein,
Anhalt-Depies, C., Stenglein, J. L., Zuckerberg, B., Townsend, P. A. & Rissman, A. R. Tradeoffs and tools for data quality, privacy, transparency, and trust in citizen science. Biol. Conserv. 238,108195 was published this year.
Gerber, N., Gerber, P. & Volkamer, M. Explaining the privacy paradox: a systematic review of literature investigating privacy attitude and behavior. It was Comput. Secur. 77, 226–261 (2018). This paper explores the trade-offs between privacy and research.
The moderation of Facebook is nowhere near as good as it could be. Wired, https://www.wired.com/story/facebooks-global-reach-exceeds-linguistic-grasp/ (21 October 2021).
The good news is that the digital access divide isn’t going to change, even though 172 countries have domestic bandwidth installed. Telecommun. Policy 40, 566–587.
The European commission says that internet governance is too US focused. The Guardian reported on internet governance in the US and Europe.
Source: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
Why social media is hurting democracy? A comment on the paper “Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation” by A. Guess and A. M. et al
Guess, A. M. et al. There are limited effects of fake news. Kennedy Sch. Misinformation Rev. 1 is located at http://weis.org/10.1370016/mr-2020-004.
J, yes, social media is hurting democracy. The Atlantic has an archive about social media harming Facebook’s meta-response.
Wieczner, J. Big lies vs. big lawsuits: why Dominion Voting is suing Fox News and a host of Trump allies. There are lawsuits regarding the 2020 election and theories of conspiracy-theories.
Calma, J. Twitter just closed the book on academic research. The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/31/23739084/twitter-elon-musk-api-policy-chilling-academic-research (2023).
Edelson, L., Graef, I. & Lancieri, F. Access to Data and Algorithms: for an Effective DMA and DSA Implementation (Centre on Regulation in Europe, 2023).
There was an effect on the willingness of people to believe in the safety of the vaccine. PLoS ONE 16, e0256395 (2021).
Source: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
Making the most of social media: Why we don’t need to lose our attention on Facebook – how Duterte and India used Facebook to fuel the drug war
Using the President’s tweets to understand political diversion in the age of social media. The Nat. Commun. 11, 5743 was published in 2020.
Cruz, B.C. and Cheng, C. established baselines for text classification in low-resource languages. Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.02068 (2020). Content moderation is more expensive in less resourced countries, according to this paper.
Zakrzewski, C., De Vynck, G., Masih, N. a& Mahtani, S. are all involved in the study. The Washington Post has a piece on India on Facebook “misinformation hate-speech”.
Alba, D. How Duterte used Facebook to fuel the Philippine drug war. Buzzfeed, https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/daveyalba/facebook-philippines-dutertes-drug-war (4 September 2018).
Gillum, J. & Elliott, J. Sheryl Sandberg and top Facebook execs silenced an enemy of Turkey to prevent a hit to the company’s business. Sheryl Sandberg and top Facebook executives silenced an enemy of Turkey to prevent a hit to their business.
Humprecht, E., Esser, F. & Van Aelst, P. Resilience to online disinformation: a framework for cross-national comparative research. Int. The J. Press Polit. 25 will be published in 2020.
Experiments in Argentina, South Africa, and the United Kingdom show the effectiveness of fact-checking. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 118, e2104235118 (2021).
Sismeiro, C. & Mahmood, A. Competitive vs. complementary effects in online social networks and news consumption: a natural experiment. Don’t let go of it. Sci. 64, 5014–5037 (2018).
Source: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
The French street protests. Agence France-Presse. Opinions polarized by oppositional media, critiques of online misinformation
Agence France-Presse. Street protests, a French tradition par excellence. The Local reports on the story of the revolutionaries behind the France’s street protests.
Arceneaux, K., Johnson, M. & Murphy, C. Polarized political communication, oppositional media hostility, and selective exposure. The J. Polit. had a monograph titled “J. Polit. 74, 174-196”.
There are three people, Suhay, Bello-Pardo, and Maurer. Evidence from two experiments shows the effects of online partisan criticism. Int. J. Press Polit. 23, 95–115 (2018).
S. De-platform the dozen. Forbes has an article called “de- platform-the-disinformation-dozen”.
Source: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
Social Media Democracy: The Challenges of Understanding Human-Algorithm Entanglement in Online Information Retrieval and Consumption, Revisited
The challenges with understanding human-algorithm entanglement when consuming online information. Perspect. Psychol. It is possible to get a free copy of the journal “Sci.” by visiting its website at: www.sica.org
“Do search algorithm endanger democracy?” was the question posed by Cho, S., and Hilbert, M. An experimental investigation of algorithm effects on political polarization. J. Broadcast. Is it possible that it is an electron? Media 64, 150–2 will take place in 2020.
Haidt, J. Why the past 10 years of American life have been uniquely stupid. The Atlantic, https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/05/social-media-democracy-trust-babel/629369/ (11 April 2022).
Tufekci, Z. YouTube, the great radicalizer. The New York Times had an opinion on politics and it was in March.
A majority of Americans say social media platforms are tearing us apart. A survey shows that nearly twothirds of Americans say social media platforms are important to them.
Source: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
How the mainstream media misunderstands the misuse of numerical facts in analysis and media reporting of energy issues: a case study of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Koomey, J. G. et al. Sorry, wrong number: the use and misuse of numerical facts in analysis and media reporting of energy issues. Annu. Rev. Energy Env. 27, 119–158 (2002).
Gonon, F., Bezard, E. & Boraud, T. Misrepresentation of neuroscience data might give rise to misleading conclusions in the media: the case of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The journal, PLoS ONE6, had an e 2nd edition.
Good news and bad news related to video games. Cyberpsychol. Behav. It is known as S.C. Netw. 20, 739–739.
Bratton, L. et al. The association between exaggeration in health-related science news and academic press releases: a replication study. In Open Res. 4 there is a poem titled “Wellsy”.
Lapowsky, I. The mainstream media stopped being reliable as fake news became more pervasive. Wired, https://www.wired.com/2016/12/2016-mainstream-media-melted-fake-news-festered/ (26 December 2016).
Stewart is at the crux of America’s fake news problem. Vox, https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/12/22/22195488/fake-news-social-media-2020 (22 December 2020).
Bond, S. False Information Is Everywhere. It is advisable to head it off early. National Public Radio reported that false information is everywhere before bunking-tries to head it off.
Source: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
Understanding the Role of Social Media Exposure to New Social Media on Violent Extremism and Cyber-Politics: The Washington Times, n.J. 2018
Pennycook, G., Epstein, Z., Mosleh, M., Arechar, A. A., Eckles,and, D. & Rand, D. G. Shifting attention to accuracy can reduce misinformation online. Nature 590–595 will be published in the year 2021.
Understanding the Role of Exposure to New Social Media on Violent Extremism is explained by L. Pauwels. TheBelgian Science policy has an “integrated quantitative and qualitative approach”.
McHugh, B. C., Wisniewski P., Rosson, M. B., and Carroll, J.M. discuss how social media traumatizes teens. Internet Res. 28, 1169–1188 (2018).
People think misinformation is increasing political views. AP-NORC https://apnorc.org/projects/many-believe-misinformation-is-increasing-extreme-political-views-an (2022).
Tech executives are contrite about election meddling, but they don’t have many promises on Capitol Hill. The New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/31/us/politics/facebook-twitter-google-hearings-congress.html (31 October 2017).
A., Addawood, A., Lerman, K., and Ferrara all have the same name. There was a Russian IRA influence campaign. Soc. Netw. Anal. 9, 31 are the dates in Min. This paper shows that exposure to and amplification of Russian misinformation on social media in 2016 was concentrated among Republicans (who would have been predisposed to support Donald Trump regardless).
Subscriptions and external links help drive resentful users to alternative and extremist channels. Adv. 9 eadd (2023). This paper shows that people who consume extremist content on YouTube have highly resentful attitudes and typically find the content through subscriptions and external links, not algorithmic recommendations to non-subscribers.
Muddiman, A., Budak, C., Murray, C., Kim, Y. & Stroud, N. J. Indexing theory during an emerging health crisis: how U.S. TV news indexed elite perspectives and amplified COVID-19 misinformation. Ann. Inte. Commun. it was an association 46, 174–204 (2022). Mainstream media has a tendency to spread misinformation through amplification of misleading statements.
Pereira, F. B. false news is spread by politicians in the Global South. The print was preprinted at OSF.
Source: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
Facebook, Facebook’s Recommender System and Cybercrime: Analysis and Detection of DeepFake Videos in the Wild
Horwitz, J. & Seetharaman, D. Facebook executives shut down efforts to make the site less divisive. The Wall Street Journal has a story about “knows it encourages division top executives tonix solutions”.
Hosseinmardi, H., Ghasemian, A., Rivera-Lanas, M., Horta Ribeiro, M., West, R. & Watts, D. J. Causally estimating the effect of YouTube’s recommender system using counterfactual bots. Proc. Natl Acad. USA 121, e2313377 121 was published bySci. USA.
A framework for severity for harmful content that is online. Proc. It is the responsibility of the Secretary of Defense to maintain the accuracy of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Comput. Interact. There will be 5, 1–33 in 2011.
Greenemeier, L. You can’t handle the truth—at least on Twitter. Scientific American has an article about youcanthandlethetruth at least on social media.
Frankel, S. Deceptively edited video of Biden proliferates on social media. The New York Times published a technology article on Nov. 2, 2020.
Jiameng P. et al. Analysis and detection of DeepFake videos in the wild. There is a Proc. The International World WideWeb Conference Committee organizes the Web Conference.
Source: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
Comment on Russia-backed Facebook posts ‘reached 126 million Americans during US election’ by S. Solon, O. & S. Siddiqui
The election was won by Trump because of Russia. The New Yorker had an article on how Russia helped to swing the election for Trump.
Solon, O. & Siddiqui, S. Russia-backed Facebook posts ‘reached 126m Americans’ during US election. The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/oct/30/facebook-russia-fake-accounts-126-million (30 October 2017).
Jie, Y. Frequency or total number? There is a comparison of different presentation formats. Judgm. Decis. Mak. 17, 215–236 (2022).
There are several factors that affect the judgments of risk and probability. Learn. Individ. Differ. 18, 89–107 (2008). The paper details research into how confusion in of risk and probability can result from people fixing on the wrong number and not considering the correct one.
Source: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
Effects of Televised Campaigning Advertisements on Political Preferences in the Age of Corruption: Results from a Field Experiment
Inaccuracy is a problem in the news. Gallup said Americans’ misinformation was biased and that news stories were inaccurate.
Gerber, A. S., Gimpel, J. G., Green, D. P. & Shaw, D. R. How large and long-lasting are the persuasive effects of televised campaign ads? There were results from a field experiment. Am. Polit. 115, 125, 135 and 150 are in this year’s edition of the journal. This paper shows that a news story needs to be exposed more frequently for long-term impact.
Feldman, L. & Hart, P. Broadening exposure to climate change news? Politician orientation and framing interact to influence exposure. J. Commun.
Political preference formation involves competition, deliberation, and the influence of framing effects. Am. Polit. Sci. Rev. 98, 671–686 (2004).
A field experiment shows that bias in perception of crime rates is reduced by citizens. J. Polit. 82 was published in 2020.
Source: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
What if Facebook is the real “silent majority”? Comment on “Understanding the harms of online misinformation”, J. Comput., 25, 402 – 426 (2020)
Roose, K. What if Facebook is the real ‘silent majority’? The New York Times ran a story about what if there was a real-silent majority on Facebook.
Breland, A. A new report shows how Trump keeps buying Facebook ads. Mother Jones has posted a board with information about the real- Facebook-Oversight-board.
The relationship between viewing and clicking in social media contexts is examined by exploring the non-click. The J. Comput. is about Comput. Mediat. Commun. 25, 402–426 (2020).
Ghezae, I. et al. Partisans don’t expect or receive rewards for sharing lies online. Open Science Framework.
Godel, W. Moderating with the mob is evaluating the efficacy of fact-checking. J. Online Trust Saf. 1, https://doi.org/10.54501/jots.v1i1.15 (2021).
Source: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
K. Rogers’s Theorem on Facebook’s Algorithm, Some Ideas on How to Fix It [Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation]
K. Rogers has a theory as to why Facebook’s algorithm is broken. We collected some suggestion on how to fix it. The Facebook Algorithm is broken, we have some suggestions on how to fix it.
M. Eslami et al. I hide folk theories of social feeds, first I like them, then I like them. In Proc. 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2371–2382 (Association for Computing Machinery, 2016).
Silva, D. E., Chen, C. & Zhu, Y. Facets of algorithmic literacy: information, experience, and individual factors predict attitudes toward algorithmic systems. New media company. It was published in the Journal of the Association of American Historians.
Eckles, D. Algorithmic Transparency and Assessing Effects of Algorithmic Ranking. Testimony was heard by the Senate Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and broadband.
Source: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
Facebook Removed News Feed Algorithm In An Experiment Then It GAVEUP 25c8cb0a35a3
Kantrowitz, A. Facebook removed the news feed algorithm in an experiment. Then it gave up. OneZero, https://onezero.medium.com/facebook-removed-the-news-feed-algorithm-in-an-experiment-then-it-gave-up-25c8cb0a35a3 (25 October 2021).
The activity of parler users on fringe social media did not decrease as a result of deplatforming. PNAS Nexus 2, pgad035 (2023). The paper shows how shutting down Parler displaced user activity on other social media websites.
Alfano, M., Fard, A. E., Carter, J. A., Clutton, P., and Klein, C. describe a prototype of atypical cognitive functioning. Synthese 199, 835, and858 are for the year 2011.