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A smart antibiotic can kill germs while sparing the environment

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Lolamicin, a compound that selectively kills Gram-negative bacteria, and leads to susceptibility to Clostridium difficile-induced colitis

Gram-negative bacteria include public-health villains such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. They cause diseases ranging from salmonella to cholera, and can trigger sepsis, a potentially lethal immune-system response to infection.

The study’s authors started with compounds that aren’t harmful to the bacterium but can affect theLol system, which is exclusive to Gram-negativebacteria. Tinkering with those compounds produced one that the researchers called lolamicin, which “selectively kills pathogenic bacteria over non-pathogenic bacteria based on differences in Lol proteins between these bacteria”, says study co-author Paul Hergenrother, a chemist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

C. G. et al. were both authors of Buffie. Profound alterations of intestinal microbiota following a single dose of clindamycin results in sustained susceptibility to Clostridium difficile-induced colitis. Infect. Immun. 80, 62- 73.

Gitai says that the study “proves the viability” of targeting the Lol system, but adds, “There is a long road from showing efficacy in mice to developing a drug for human use.”

Gram-negative-selective antibiotic that spares the gut microbiome: Comment on a cautionary note on recent discoveries of fabimycin

Hiller makes a cautious note. He says there is not much money to be made with a novel antibiotic that has been approved for clinical use. “Around ten to twenty new Gram-negative antibiotics have been discovered in the last ten years”, he adds, but none has gained approval from the US Food and Drug Administration.

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Source: A Gram-negative-selective antibiotic that spares the gut microbiome

Molecular-dynamics simulation of lipids: CHARMM’s additive force field update and the toolkit for efficient lipid shuffling

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Source: A Gram-negative-selective antibiotic that spares the gut microbiome

Cell wall reporter assay for Gram-negative pathogens: A novel approach to countering resistance in E. coli by disrupting the outer portion of the cell

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Source: A Gram-negative-selective antibiotic that spares the gut microbiome

R. Pathania and his co-authors identify an inhibitors of bacterial lipoprotein targeting in Escherichia coli

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Source: A Gram-negative-selective antibiotic that spares the gut microbiome

Studies of the interaction of thiourea compounds with a lipoprotein targeting chaperone in the gut microbiota: repertoire and variations

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