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The world’s vital resources are in trouble

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A Study of the Long-Term Viability of the Bengal Basin Aquifer in the Punjab, India: Results from the International Livestock Research Institute

The evaluation of the long-term viability of the aquifer is taking place in Punjab, Pakistan. International Waterlogging and Salinity Research Institute, Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority report. In order to improve the management of the ground in Asian cities through the development and application of the GSII, a project was developed.

The Biloela Formation and Cenozoic oil-shale deposits have palynostratigraphic age determinations. The Geological Record of the state of Florida. https://geoscience.data.qld.gov.au/report/cr089721 (2014).

The water resources of the San Luis Valley, Colorado are explored by C. E Siebenthal. The U.S. Geological Survey has a water-supply paper.

Ravenscroft, P., McArthur, J. M. & Rahman, M. S. Identifying multiple deep aquifers in the Bengal Basin: implications for resource management. It’s called hydrol. The process. The year was 3615–3632( 2018).

Singh, J., Erenstein, O., Thorpe, W. R. & Varma, A. Crop-livestock interactions and livelihoods in the Gangetic Plains of Uttar Pradesh, India: a regional synthesis. The International Livestock Research Institute was founded in 2007.

Integrated Study of groundwater resource monitoring in the Bari doab region of India: The case of the Tularosa Basin

Mojarrad, M., Rakhshandehrou, G. R., Monadi, R. & Ghorbani, M. in Proc. The 2nd International Conference of Water Resources and Wetlands was published by UNESCO.

The objectives for the Osoyoos Aquifer were proposed by Gregory and Rathfelder. Water Science Series: WSS2019-06. https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r57603/1_1571784531661_1784376098.pdf (2019).

An analysis of arsenic enrichment in the Bari doab region of the India’s Indus basin. Environ. Pollut. There are two volumes in the year 2020: 258 and 113324.

Evans, SBaroota Groundwater Resource Monitoring Review and Augmentation The report was issued by the Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity. https://www.waterconnect.sa.gov.au/Content/Publications/DEW/dwlbc_report_2004_56.pdf (2004).

A couple of people and Vrbka, P. A. A conceptual model for the development and management of the Cape Flats aquifer, South Africa. Water SA 36, 461–474 (2010).

Huff, G. F. Simulation of ground-water flow in the basin-fill aquifer of the Tularosa Basin, south-central New Mexico, predevelopment through 2040. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5197. https://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2004/5197/pdf/sir20045197.pdf (2005).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Groundwater of Datong Basin, China: a case study in a hydrol. J. 19, 475–487, 2011, published by U.S. Geological Survey

Qian, K., Li, J., Xie, X. & Wang, Y. Organic and inorganic colloids impacting total iodine behavior in groundwater from the Datong Basin, China. Sci. 386–380 were the total expenses for the year.

Qasemi, M., Afsharnia, M., Zarei, A., Farhang, M. & Allahdadi, M. Non-carcinogenic risk assessment to human health due to intake of fluoride in the groundwater in rural areas of Gonabad and Bajestan, Iran: a case study. Hum. Ecol. Risk Assess. 25, 1222–1233 (2018).

An assessment of underground water vulnerability was done in Bushehr, south of Iran using a geographic information system. J. Fundam is an Indian. The application was Appl. The LifeSci.4 was published in the year of 2004.

Chen, Z., Wei, W.,Liu,J., Wang, Y. and Chen, J. identify the recharging sources and age of the water in the Songnen Plain (Northeast China). Hydrol. J. 19, 163–176 (2011).

Sanz, D. et al. Modeling aquifer–river interactions under the influence of groundwater abstraction in the Mancha Oriental System (SE Spain). It is called hydrol. J. 19, 475–487 was published in 2011.

Rose, T.P., Davisson, M.L., Hudson, G. B., and Varian, A.R. investigated the environmental integrity of the Honey Lake Basin, California and Nevada. Department of Energy Report UCRL-ID-127978 ON: DE98051049. https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/620597 (1997).

The use of vertical electrical sounding resistivity method is used in the location of low salinity water for irrigation. It’s the Environ. Earth Sci. 60, 1113–1129 (2010).

Taylor, C. J. and Nelson Jr. The Interior Low Plateaus are part of the central United States. The U.S. Geological Survey data series was published. https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/339/pdf/ds339_web.pdf (2008).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report on the Carmel Valley Groundwater Brochure Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu

Cantos, F.C., Pérez, I. V., and Urresti-Estala analyzed hydrochemical trends in the Guadalhorce River basin. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 23, 15990–16005 (2016).

The Mesilla basin has ahydrology that is located in New Mexico and Texas. The U.S. Geological Survey is responsible for the investigation of water resources. There is a report in thepubs.usgs.gov/wri.

Contoux, C., Violette, S., Vivona, R., Goblet, P. & Patriarche, D. How basin model results enable the study of multi-layer aquifer response to pumping: the Paris Basin, France. It is called hydrol. J. 21, 555–556.

Dhinagaran, V. District Groundwater Brochure Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu. The Ministry of Water Resources has a report on the Central Ground Water Board. http://cgwb.gov.in/old_website/District_Profile/TN_districtprofile.html (2009).

Dating the ground in the baptitive basin: understanding the variations in the underground. Is that correct? The book was published in June, 189–198.

Kapple, G. W., Mitten, H. T., Durbin, T. J. & Johnson, M. J. Analysis of the Carmel Valley alluvial ground-water basin, Monterey County, California. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 83-4280. The report can be found in thepubs.usg’s.gov/wri.

Jafari, H., Shirafkan, M., Bagheri, R. & Karami, G. H. Assessing sustainability of the Bahabad aquifer, Central Iran. Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res.16, 2585–2602 were published in the year.

The model of the west Texas Bolsons Aquifer was created by Wade and Jigmond. There is a Texas Water Development Board report. The report is available at www.twdb.texas.gov.

Gill, H.E. and Farlekas, G. M., published maps of the New Jersey Coastal Plain. A hydrologic atlas of the U.S. Geological Survey. The USGS.gov has apublication called “Ha557” (1976).

Regional water table and water level changes in the Mojave River, the Morongo and the Fort Irwin ground-water basins, San Bernardino County, Calif., 38 pp. Accessed April 27, 2022 via https://pubs.usgs.gov/wri/1997/4160/report.pdf (1997).

Determining the water quality of agricultural wells to be used in pressurized irrigation systems of Sarab plain, Iran. Water Soil Sci. 29, 185–198 (2019).

Aryafar, A., Khosravi, V., Zarepourfard, H. & Rooki, R. Evolving genetic programming and other AI-based models for estimating groundwater quality parameters of the Khezri plain, Eastern Iran. Environ. The EarthSci. 78, 69 is a journal.

Central Ground Water Board. Aquifer systems of India. The report was from the Central Ground Water Board. http://cgwb.gov.in/cgwbpnm/public/uploads/documents/1687419512680023437file.pdf (2012).

An example of salinization in a coastal area of arid Mexico is provided by Cardona, A. There is a Environ. Geol. 35, 350, and 400 in 2004.

The Antlers aquifer is in southeastern Oklahoma. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 81. http://www.ogs.ou.edu/pubsscanned/Circulars/

Land has an overview of fresh and brackish water in New Mexico. There is an Open-file report for the Project Summary Report from the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. https://geoinfo.nmt.edu/resources/water/amp/brochures/BWA/Raton_Las_Vegas_Basin_FBWQNM.pdf (2016).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

A map of the transboundary aquifers: análisis probabilstico y optimización de los recursos del caso del acufero Maipo

Steinbrügge, G., Muñoz Pardo, J. F. & Fernández, B. Análisis probabilístico y optimización de los recursos de agua subterránea: el caso del acuífero Maipo-Mapocho, Chile. Ingenieria hidraulica en Mexico, XX, 85–97. https://repositorio.uc.cl/dspace/bitstreams/2172bd6b-172e-4233-806a-c9c2b0af5c13/download (2005).

Erostate, M. et al. Delayed nitrate dispersion within a coastal aquifer provides constraints on land-use evolution and nitrate contamination in the past. There is a science. Total Environ. 644, 928–940 (2018).

From freedom to Guthrie, Oklahoma, there’s a terrace deposit of alluvium. The report is from the U.S. Geological Survey. https://pubs.usgs.gov/wri/1995/4066/report.pdf (1996).

International Hydrological Programme, Division of Water Sciences. There is a map of the transboundary aquifers. Local inventory, global maps and regional cooperation. The report was published by the UNESCO. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000192145 (2009).

Story, J. & Lopez-Gunn, E. Comparing conflict in transboundary aquifer management: some insights from a comparative study between Spain and Australia. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000190140 (2010).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Hydrochemical characterization of urban groundwater pollution in Porbandar Region, Gujarat, India: A case study of Orzooiyeh plain

Gupta, P., Sharma, A. & Joshi, N. Hydrochemical characterization of coastal groundwater in Porbandar Region, Gujarat, India. Int. J. Eng. Res. Gen. Sci. 3, 325–331 (2015).

Yoneda, M. et al. The field survey is used to verify the deterioration mechanism by numerical simulation. Water Air Soil Pollut. 127, 125 and 156 were published in 2001.

Vizintin, G., Souvent, P., Veselič, M. & Curk, B. C. Determination of urban groundwater pollution in alluvial aquifer using linked process models considering urban water cycle. J. Hydrol. 377, 261–273 (2009).

Yazdi, Z. & Niroumand, H. Assessing land subsidence in Qazvin plain caused by groundwater level drop, using finite elements and finite difference methods. In the year-2020, there is a project called the “geo terrace”. https://eage.in.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/GeoTerrace-2020-043.pdf (2020).

M Pourkhosravani used a qualitative analysis of Orzooiyeh plain groundwater resources. There is an Environ. Health Eng. Manag. 3, 206–222.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Hydrol. J 28, 2429–2438. A study of groundwater in the Hiroshima area during the Holocene transgression

Y., Tosaki, and others. Deep incursion of seawater into the Hiroshima Granites during the Holocene transgression: evidence from 36Cl age of saline groundwater in the Hiroshima area, Japan. Geochem. J. 51 was published on May 25, 2017.

M. et al. The Western Andean Front has a lot of fractures and flows that are analysed by means of a topological approach. It’s called Hydrol. J 28, 2429–2438 was published in 2020.

The upper Humboldt River basin in northeastern Nevada was the location of the hydrogeologic framework. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5014. https://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2009/5014/pdf/sir20095014.pdf (2009).

The study of step drawdown and constant discharge was done in Iran. J. Water Resour. It’s a thing called hydraul. The person is said to be an engineer. 3, 12–21 (2014).

Toms, R., Lopez-Sanchez and J. M. were among those who wrote on the causes, effects and predictions of the dry spell. Snchez is from the UK and he works for Nova Science.

R. Toms is the author. Mapping ground subsidence induced by aquifer overexploitation using advanced Differential SAR Interferometry: Vega Media of the Segura River (SE Spain) case study. A report on remote services in the environment.

Shintani, T. et al. Three-dimensional structure and sources of groundwater masses beneath the Osaka Plain, Southwest Japan. J. Hydrol. The regents’ stud. 43, 101193 (2022).

J.A., Torres-Martinez, and several other people were involved in the project. Constraining a density-dependent flow model with the transient electromagnetic method in a coastal aquifer in Mexico to assess seawater intrusion. There’s a lot of water. J. 27, 2955–2972 (2019).

Tournoud, M. G., Payraudeau, S., Cernesson, F. & Salles, C. Origins and quantification of nitrogen inputs into a coastal lagoon: application to the Thau lagoon (France). Ecol. Model. 193, 19–33 (2006).

Amiri, V., Rezaei, M. & Sohrabi, N. Groundwater quality assessment using entropy weighted water quality index (EWQI) in Lenjanat, Iran. It’s called the Environ. The EarthSci. 72, 3479–3490 was published in 2004.

Kuniansky, E. L., Bellino, J. C. & Dixon, J. Transmissivity of the Upper Floridan aquifer in Florida and parts of Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3204. The USGS’ website has a document titled “USGS_SIM-3420.KUniansky_Web.pdf”.

Umvoto Africa. The assessment of water availability in the Berg Catchment (WMA 19) by means of Water Resource Related Models. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry report. There is a report on Rep9-Vol5-GW Cape Flats that can be found in this location.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Assessment of the water resources of El Salvadoran (Kachchh District) by the United States Bureau of Reclamation (BARTLETT)

United States Bureau of Reclamation. A final study report is a feasibility level report. The sub area of Odessa was studied. https://www.usbr.gov/pn/programs/eis/odessa/finaleis/final.pdf (2012).

The Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology is a part of the University of Greenwich. The assessment of the natural area of the coastal plain of Kachchh District is planned for in the future. A project presentation. https://gala.gre.ac.uk/id/eprint/16221/1/16221%20BARTLETT_Coastal_Plain_of_Kachchh_2016.pdf (2016).

US Army Corps of Engineers. The water resources of El Salvadoran are assessed. https://www.sam.usace.army.mil/Portals/46/docs/military/engineering/docs/WRA/ElSalvador/El%20Salvador%20WRA%20English.pdf (1998).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Environmental impact assessment using FORM and groundwater system reliability concept: Case study Jining, China. Environ. Geol. 55, 661-667 (2008)

Shu, L. C., Liu, P. G. & Ong’or, B. T. I. Environmental impact assessment using FORM and groundwater system reliability concept: case study Jining, China. That’s the Environ. Geol. 55, 661–667 (2008).

Dadgar, M. A.,Zeaieanfirouzabadi, P., Dashti, M., andPorhemmat, R., conducted a study on the exploitation of prospective groundwater potential zones in the Northeastern part of Iran. An Arab. J. Geosci. 10, 114 (2017).

The site selection and cost-benefit analysis was done for artificial rejuvenation of the Baghmalek plain in southwest Iran. It’s called hydrol. J. 18,761 –773 was published.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Groundwater in Valencian Community. Pacific Northwest National Lab Report No. PNNL-13962.pdf. Development of an approach and methods for improving public water-supply in Portugal

Llopis-Snchez, Requena, and Surez-Varela studied the quality of groundwater in the Valencian Community. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 11, 5527–5540 (2014).

The Columbia basin in the Pacific Northwest USA has basalt aquifers with natural gas storage. Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) Report No. PNNL-13962. https://www.pnnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/PNNL-13962.pdf (2002).

L. Ribeiro, one of the authors of the book. Evaluating piezometric trends using the Mann-Kendall test on the alluvial aquifers of the Elqui River basin, Chile. It’s called hydrol. A journal of science. J. 60, 1840-1852 was published in 2015.

The Chalk Aquifer of Lincolnshire was described by E. J. and A. R. The British Geological Survey research report was released in June. The paper is called “Nora.nerc.ac.uk/id/eprint/3699/1/RR06003.

Labus, K., Bujok, P., Klempa, M., Porzer, M. & Matýsek, D. Preliminary geochemical modeling of water–rock–gas interactions controlling CO2 storage in the Badenian Aquifer within Czech Part of Vienna Basin. That’s the name of the company. Earth Sci. 75, 1086 (2016).

There are several studies looking at the hydrogeological activity of the playa lake and basin. J.Hydrol. 543 was published last year.

There is protection of the public water-supply in Portugal. There is a document located on the Unece.org website that contains information relating to the groundwater meetings and portugal.

Jocson, J. M. U., Jenson, J. W. & Contractor, D. N. Recharge and aquifer response: northern Guam lens aquifer, Guam, Mariana Islands. J. Hydrol. 260, 231–254 (2002).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Multi-decadal analysis of water resources and agricultural change in a semiarid irrigated piedmont under water scarcity and human interaction

The authors were Pérez-Snchez, Senent-Aparicio, J. and del Pilar Flores-Asenjo. The economic value of conjoint local management in water resources: results from a contingent valuation in the Boquerón aquifer (Albacete, SE Spain). It can be used inSci. Total Environ. 548, 241–265.

Y Ouassanouan was the author of the paper. Multi-decadal analysis of water resources and agricultural change in a Mediterranean semiarid irrigated piedmont under water scarcity and human interaction. The problem is that it’s too vague. The total amount of effluent was 797.

The investigation of temporal-spatial variations of the quality of the Borujerd-Dorood Plain’s resources has been done. Irrig. Water Engineer. A series of 11, 150–137, in 2020.

Laghari, A. N., Vanham, D. & Rauch, W. The Indus basin in the framework of current and future water resources management. There is a body of water. Earth Syst. Sci. 16, 1063–1083 (2012).

Saffari, A., Jan Ahmadi, M. & Raeati Shavazi, M. Site selection for suitable flood spreadingand artificial feeding through hybrid, AHP-Fuzzy Model Case Study: (Bushkan Plain, Bushehr Province). Hydrogeomorphology 1, 81–97 (2015).

Salinas Valley Basin Integrated Sustainability Plan. https://svbgsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Valley-Wide-Integrated-Sustainability-Plan-optimized.pdf (2020).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Impacts of the cambio climtico, and the acuferos de la pla. Zona no Saturada del Suelo

Samper et al. evaluated the impactos del cambio climtico, and the acuferos de la pla. Estudios en la Zona no Saturada del Suelo. Vol. X, 359–364. http://zonanosaturada.com/zns11/publications/p359.pdf (2011).

The beauty of unknown, the carelessness of the present and the way forward are some of the topics covered in this paper. Water repels. Res. 56 was printed in 2020.

Sandiford, M., Lawrie, K. & Brodie, R. S. Hydrogeological implications of active tectonics in the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. Hydrol. J. 28, 57–73 (2020).

Guo, C., Shi, J., Zhang, Z. & Zhang, F. Using tritium and radiocarbon to determine groundwater age and delineate the flow regime in the Taiyuan Basin, China. A group of Arab people. J. Geosci. has 12 chapters.

Bachman, L. J., Shedlock, R. J. & Phillips, P. J. Ground-water-quality assessment of the Delmarva Peninsula, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-112. The report can be found in the archives of the USGS.gov.

Mohammed, N. and others. Isotopic and geochemical identification of main groundwater supply sources to an alluvial aquifer, the Allier River valley (France). J. Hydrol. 508, 181–196 (2014).

Savoca, M. E., Sadorf, E. M. & Akers, K. K. Ground-water quality in the eastern part of the Silurian-Devonian and Upper Carbonate Aquifers in the eastern Iowa basins, Iowa and Minnesota, 1996. A report on the U.S. Geological Survey’s water resources investigations. The US Geological Survey’s website contains the following: “wri 1998/wri984224” and “wri98- 4224).”

Kay, R. T. & Kraske, K. A. Ground-water levels in aquifers used for residential supply, Campton Township, Kane County, Illinois. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4009. https://pubs.usgs.gov/wri/1996/4009/report.pdf (1996).

Hunter, H. M. Nutrients and herbicides in groundwater flows to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Processes, fluxes and links to on-farm management. Report by individuals associated with the Australian Rivers Institute and Griffith University. The file is called “grounderwater-synthesis-great-barrier-reef.html”.

D.CULLINDEN Basin hydrogeology was written by Poulsen. The Environment Canterbury Regional Council report was recently published. R12/96. https://www.ecan.govt.nz/document/download?uri=1723844 (2012).

The Upper Santa Cruz Basin has a good ground water quality. The U.S. Geological Survey has a report about water resources. https://pubs.usgs.gov/wri/2000/4117/report.pdf (2002).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Sedimentary fill of basin wetlands, Swan Coast. Part 2: distribution of types and application to the Crau plain aquifer, France

Semeniuk, V. & Semeniuk, C. A. Sedimentary fill of basin wetlands, central Swan Coastal Plain, southwestern Australia. Part 2 deals with distribution of types. J.R.’s work can be seen at its website West. It’s Aust. 89, 185 (2006).

Seraphin, P., Gonçalvès, J., Vallet-Coulomb, C. & Champollion, C. Multi-approach assessment of the spatial distribution of the specific yield: application to the Crau plain aquifer, France. There’s a body of water. J. 26, 1221–1238 (2018).

E. L.de and Souza were involved in a project. Sntese da hidrogeologia nas bacias: Solimes: Sistemas Aquferos. It’sgeol. USP Série Científica 13, 107–117 (2013).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Groundwater chemical characteristics in a watershed. Manag. 381 (2012).DGA_2015_actualización_nacionional_acuiferos.pdf

Shabani, M. Determining the most suitable interpolation method for groundwater chemical characteristics mapping. There is a Watershed. Manag.3 was published in 2012

Direccion General de Aguas. The plan was for the Estudios. Report number 381. https://bibliotecadigital.ciren.cl/bitstream/handle/20.500.13082/32415/DGA_2015_actualizacion_plan_nacional_acuiferos.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (2015).

It was possible to hear the intrusion in Guaymas Valley, Mexico from time-domain soundings. He was Geofs. Int. 46, 175–198 (2007).

The impact of climate change on the water system of the Pingtung Plain. That’s right, water. The J. 15, 903–917, was published in 2007.

Mack, T. J. Assessment of ground-water resources in the Seacoast region of New Hampshire. The report is a scientific investigation by the U.S. Geological Survey. In 2008, there was apubs.usg’s.gov/sir/.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Ground-water and surface-water interactions in arid areas of southern Mexico: A case study in the Valley of Gila River and San Simon Creek, Graham County, Arizona

Mendez-Estrella, R., Romo-Leon, J. R., Castellanos, A. E., Gandarilla-Aizpuro, F. J. & Hartfield, K. Analyzing landscape trends on agriculture, introduced exotic grasslands and riparian ecosystems in arid regions of Mexico. In remote Sens. 8, 663.

Knechtel, M. M. & Lohr, E. W. Geology and ground-water resources of the Valley of Gila River and San Simon Creek, Graham County, Arizona; with a section on the chemical character of the ground water. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 796-F. https://pubs.usgs.gov/wsp/0796f/report.pdf (1938).

Using a method that uses Radon-222, we can study the impact of coastal groundwater and surface-water interaction in southeastern France. Hydrol. The J. 24, in 1786, was written about the relationship between the colonies.

Marques, R. M. Bacia do Parnaíba: Estado Atual do Conhecimento e Possibilidades Para a Produção de Gás Natural. The thesis was from the Federal do Par.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems in Transboundary Aquifer Settings: A Case of the Rayong Groundwater Basin, Northeastern Brazil

Marques, E. A. et al. The relationship between water use and climate variation on the Alto Grande Watershed of Northeastern Brazil was analyzed. J. S. Am. Earth Sci. 103, 102723 (2020).

Manning, A. H. Ground-water temperature, noble gas, and carbon isotope data from the Española Basin, New Mexico. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5200. https://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2008/5200/pdf/SIR08-5200.pdf (2009).

Malekmohammadi, B. & Jahanishakib, F. Vulnerability assessment of wetland landscape ecosystem services using driver-pressure-state-impact-response (DPSIR) model. Ecol. Indic. 82, 293–303 (2017).

Macfarlane, P. A. Revisions to the nomenclature for Kansas Aquifers. A report from the Kansas Geological Survey. The article is in the Journals.ku.edu.

The case of the quaernary and quartzite quarries in India was looked at by the trends and stability index. J. Environ. Manag. 237, 457–475 (2019).

Mahlknecht, J. et al. The Comarca Lagunera region of Mexico has hydrochemical controls on arseniccontamination and its health risks. It is a division of sci. Total Environ. 857, 159347 (2023).

Majola, K., Xu, Y. & Kanyerere, T. Review: Assessment of climate change impacts on groundwater-dependent ecosystems in transboundary aquifer settings with reference to the Tuli-Karoo transboundary aquifer. Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol. 22, 126–140 (2022).

The purpose of the study was to increase citizens’ sense of personal responsibility and risk perception in relation to sustainable water resource management in Rayong Groundwater Basin. There was a groundw. Sustain. Dev. 9, 100252 (2019).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Detecting the source of water in the lowland Maya area of the Northern Kingdom of Czech Republic. A case study of the Milk River basin

Jiráková, H. et al. There are deep underground sources in the western part of the Kingdom of Czech Republic. Geothermics 40, 112–124 (2011).

The Milk River basin in Canada has a very old chlorine 36 dating. Water Resour. Res. 22, 2003–2016 (1986).

There is a case for the benefits of extensive uses of geophysics in the investigation of the water table in Australia. https://library.seg.org/doi/pdf/10.4133/1.2923407 (2004).

The Lowland Maya Area: Three Millennia at the Human-Wildland Interface is written by E., V., and R.A.

A method of differentiating the source of water salinization in the crucial declining hole using multi-chemical approaches is presented. J. Hydrol. 586, 124877 will take place in 2020.

Patenaude, M., Baudron, P., Labelle, L. & Masse-Dufresne, J. Evaluating bank-filtration occurrence in the Province of Quebec (Canada) with a GIS approach. The water was 12,662 in 2020.

Parks, K. & Andriashek, L. Preliminary investigation of potential, natural hydraulic pathways between the Scollard and Paskapoo formations in Alberta: implications for coalbed methane production. The open file report of the AGS was reported in 2009. https://static.ags.aer.ca/files/document/OFR/OFR_2009_16.pdf (2009).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Groundwater chemistry and hydrochemistry of the Urab Aquifer in Central America. The U.S. Geological Survey’s 1996-97 Atlas

Veve, T.D. and Taggart wrote an Atlas about ground-water resources in Puerto Rico. A report on water- resources investigations by the U.S. Geological Survey. https://pubs.usgs.gov/wri/1994/4198/report.pdf (1996).

Chang, J. & Wang, G. Major ions chemistry of groundwater in the arid region of Zhangye Basin, northwestern China. The area referred to is called the Environ. 61, 547 were published in EarthSci.

A hydrochemistry analysis of the Urab Aquifer, a body of water in Latin America. J. Geochemicals. It was Explor. 134, 120,129 were published.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Impact of paleotopography, tectonics and sediment supply on quality of coal seams in Central Bohemia (Westphalian), Czech Republic

Opluštil, S. The effect of paleotopography, tectonics and sediment supply on quality of coal seams in continental basins of central and western Bohemia (Westphalian), Czech Republic. Int. J. Coal Geol. 64, 173–203 (2005).

Nyambe, I. A. Tectonic and climatic controls on sedimentation during deposition of the Sinakumbe Group and Karoo Supergroup, in the mid-Zambezi Valley Basin, southern Zambia. J. Afr. It’s Earth. A summary of “Sci. 28, 431–473” published in 1999.

Nuñez Codoseo, J. Evaluación de la disponibilidad de agua del Sector Acuífero Chacabuco-Polpaico: Factibilidad de entrega de nuevos derechos de aprovechamiento de agua provisionales. A thesis was done at the University of de Chile.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

The Lachlan alluvium appendix a-water resource description and its application to seawater intrusion in Vinaroz, Spain

NSW Department of Planning and Environment. There is a Lachlan alluvium resource description. The Planning and Environment report is from the state of New South Wales. The files are forLachlan-alluvium-appendice- a-water-resource-description.

Nolan, Tan, P-L and Cox worked together on a project. Charles Darwin University. There are some changes to the article published in 2016 entitled “GvtGriffith- Uni_13- May-2010-with-corrections1.pdf”.

Vergnes, J. P. et al. The evaluation of the AquiFR hydrometeorological modelling platform over a 60-year period is a tool for improving groundwater resource monitoring in France. It’s called hydrol. The earth system. Sci. 24, 633–654 (2020).

Nazari, S., Ahmadi, A., Rad, S. K. & Ebrahimi, B. Application of non-cooperative dynamic game theory for groundwater conflict resolution. J. Environ. Manag. 270, 11408 (2020).

Giménez-Forcada, E. Space/time development of seawater intrusion: a study case in Vinaroz coastal plain (Eastern Spain) using HFE-Diagram, and spatial distribution of hydrochemical facies. J. Hydrol. 517, 617–627 (2014).

Narayan, K. A., Schleeberger, C. & Bristow, K. L. Modelling seawater intrusion in the Burdekin Delta irrigation area, North Queensland, Australia. Agric. Water Manag. 89, 217–228 (2007).

The assessment of water security under climate change took place in southern Iran. Hydrol. J. 28, 1557–1553 in 2020.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Ground penetrating radar studies of agricultural adaptation in Northern Yucatán, Mexico. Contribution to IWA – The Cuivre River Aquifer, Central India

Munro-Stasiuk, M. J. & Manahan, T. K. Investigating ancient Maya agricultural adaptation through ground penetrating radar (GPR) analysis of karst terrain, Northern Yucatán, Mexico. Acta Carsologica 39, 123–136 (2010).

Municipio de El Llano. The Atlas de Riesgos Naturales del Lieutio de El Llano was released in 2012 Report number 201010PP047745. http://rmgir.proyectomesoamerica.org/PDFMunicipales/2012/01010_El_Llano.pdf (2012).

George, B. G., Ray, J. S. & Kumar, S. Geochemistry of carbonate formations of the Chhattisgarh Supergroup, central India: implications for Mesoproterozoic global events. Can. The J. EarthSci. 56 was published in 2019.

There was a preliminary assessment of water resources in the State of Baja California, Mexico. International Water Association Water, Energy and Climate Conference. The April 18 IWA FinalConferenceVersion is available here.

Campos, M. N. et al. Environmental risk and human consumption are listed in the Cuivre River Aquifer. The WIT Trans. is a Trans. Ecol. The journal, Environ. 172, was published in 2013).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Modelo numérico para simular el flujo hidráulico del acufero de Ojos Negros

In Spatial Modeling in Geographic Information Systems and R for Earth and Environmental Sciences were written by the authors. Elsevier, 2019.

The Big Sandy Valley is located in Mohave County, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Report. https://azmemory.azlibrary.gov/nodes/view/91763?keywords= (1940).

Morín, P. M. Aplicación de un modelo numérico para simular el flujo hidráulico del acuífero de Ojos Negros. The Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education has a graduate degree program.

Gupta, S. K. & Deshpande, R. D. Origin of groundwater helium and temperature anomalies in the Cambay region of Gujarat, India. Chem. Geol. 198, 33–46 (2003).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Report of the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Plan: Case Study of a Middle-Upper Devonian aquifer, Mexico

The ministerio de Medio Ambiente y recursosnaturales plan is named after the Recurso Hdrico de El Salvador. Report by the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN). The resumen Ejecutivo comes in the form of a paper with a title such as: “Resumen-Ejecutiva”

The case study was in the Tepalcingo-Axochiapan aquifer, Mexico. Hydrol. J. 20 was published in 2012

Mokrik, R., Mazeika, J., Baublyt, A. & Martma, T. The groundwater age in the Middle-Upper Devonian aquifer system, Lithuania. It’s called hydrol. J. 17, 871–889 (2009).

Mohammadzadeh-Habili, J., Soltani, M. & Khalili, D. Effect of reservoir geometry on functionality of recharge dams influenced by sedimentation: case study of the Meymand recharge dam. Arab. J. Geosci. 14, 487 (2021).

Choubin, B. & Malekian, A. Relationship between fluctuations in the water table and aquifer salinization (case study: Aquifer Aspas-Fars Province). The Desert Manag was held from 13 to 26.

The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research held a 36th edition of its Monograph Congress in Japan.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

La Mapa Hidrozolgico del Sur y la Atlas de la Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources regulates the geology of the state. The map is from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Accessed April 14, 2021 from https://files.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/groundwater_section/mapping/provinces/2021-provinces.pdf (2021).

There is a Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Objetivos de Calidad de Agua, Ríos, Lagos y Embalses ZP1. There is a video on the public’s atlas.

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales. El Salvador was depicted on the Mapa Hidrogeolgico. https://www.sica.int/documentos/mapa-hidrogeologico-de-el-salvador_1_128021.html (2021).

CONAGUA. Acufero Villa de Arriaga, en San Luis Potosi, Actualizacin de la disponibilidad media. Isicagis.Conagua.gob.mx/gas1,Edos Acuiferos_18/sanluispotosi/DR-2846.pdf is a file pertaining to this topic.

Ministere de l’Ecologie, du Developpement Durable et de l’Energie. Hydrologie souterraine synthèse. The report was from BRGM. There is a website that contains a file entitled “RE_ Explore2070_Eaux_Sout_Synthese.pdf”.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Application of Probabilistic and Machine Learning Models for Groundwater Potentiality Mapping in Damghan Sedimentary Plain, Iran. The Remote Sens. 11 and 3015

The sea is delineation of freshwater by marine soundings. Water is used as Resour. Manag. 32, 3765–3979.

Arabameri, A., Roy, J., Saha, S., Blaschke, T., Ghorbanzadeh, O. & Tien Bui, D. Application of probabilistic and machine learning models for groundwater potentiality mapping in Damghan sedimentary plain, Iran. The Remote Sens. 11 and 3015 were published in the same year.

K., and her friends, Liang, and a few others. Investigation of the Yellow River buried fault in the Wuhai basin, northwestern Ordos Block, China, using deep/shallow seismic reflection and drilling techniques. The J. Asian EarthSci. 163 is published every year.

Casado, M. The Tagus basin: groundwater and transboundary Aquifers. Presentation at the Workshop on Transboundary Water Resources Management in Western and Central Europe. The Territorial Basin Groundwater and Boundary Aquifers was published by researchgate.net.

C. H., Pan, Y.W., J.J., and Wang, C. T., analyzed land subsidence in a river in Taiwan. The address is Environ. Geol. The movie was released in 2004.

The influence of the N. s Saline water intrusion on the Laizhou area has been reported. Chin. J. Oceanol. It’s called limnol. There were 15 stories in the paper in 1997.

Lopes, T. J. Hydrologic evaluation of the Jungo area, southern Desert Valley, Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1009. The USgs.gov has a book called “of 2010/1009 PDF/ ofr2010 1009.

Conachera. La disponibilidad media anual de agua estrella de Villa Garca. https://sigagis.conagua.gob.mx/gas1/Edos_Acuiferos_18/zacatecas/DR_3213.pdf (2020).

A Geological Survey of Alabama has been done. Assessment of groundwater resources in Alabama, 2010-16. Geological Survey of Alabama Bulletin 186. https://www.gsa.state.al.us/img/Groundwater/docs/assessment/00_B186_StatewideAssessment_Print_Document.pdf (2018).

Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development. Water Resources of St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2014-3102. https://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2014/3102/pdf/fs2014-3102.pdf (2014).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Groundwater in the Sukhuma District, South Laos, Montana. A survey of groundwater resources in the vicinity of the Flathead Lake area

A quelque, P. La sédimentation et la paléo altérations tertiaires du Forez. The de correlations are called stratigraphiques. Sci. Géol. There is a bull. Mém. 34, 21–35 (1981).

Land, L. Overview of fresh and brackish water quality in New Mexico. There is an open-file report. There is a report on the resources for the water,amp, brochures andBWA in NMt.edu.

Vongphachanh, S., Gupta, A. D., Milne-Home, W., Ball, J. E. & Pavelic, P. Hydrogeological reconnaissance of Sukhuma District, Champasak Province, Southern Laos. J. Hydrol. New Zealand is called New Zelal. 56, 79–96 (2017).

The ground-water resources in the vicinity of the Flathead Lake area are listed. There is a summary of water-quality data. Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology. The Montana Ground- Water Assessment Atlas was released in 2004.

Simulation of the impact on nitrate distribution of the construction of a dam. It’s Environ. EarthSci. 74 was published in 2015.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

A Study of the Cheb Basin in Czech Republic and the Assessment of Serravallian Sequence Stratigraphy over the Northern Vienna Basin

Some critical issues for basin planning and research are raised by Rainwater Harvesting in India. The water use in the land is justified. Res 6, 1–17 was published in 2006

Krauze, P. et al. The Cheb Basin in the Czech Republic has a survey of mofette and mineral waters. Front. A sample of a specific type of flora. 8, 2446 (2017).

Kováč, M., Sliva, L., Sopkova, B., Hlavata, J. & Škulová, A. Serravallian sequence stratigraphy of the northern Vienna Basin: high frequency cycles in the Sarmatian sedimentary record. Geol. Carpath. 59, 545–561 (2008).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Groundwater in the Arriga Basin of Far North Queensland: Report from the Central Ground Water Board in Bhadrak District, Orissa

Koci, J. Deep drainage potential of surface irrigated sugarcane in the Arriga Flats of far north Queensland. The Arriga Basin of Far North Qld funded by the National Program for sustainable Irrigation has a report on improving the application efficiency of sugar cane using SIRMOD. There is a video on http://27.11.222/xmlui/bitstream/handle1/4125/JCU1101-Final-Report.

Koch, U. & Heinicke, J. Hydrological influences on long-term gas flow trends at locations in the Vogtland/NW Bohemian seismic region (German-Czech border). Ann. Geophys. 60, 557–568 (2007).

The water board is located in the central part of the country. Ground water information booklet, Bhadrak District, Orissa. The Central Ground Water Board report has been published. http://cgwb.gov.in/old_website/District_Profile/Orissa/BHADRAK%20.pdf (2013).

The board is central to the water. There is a booklet about ground water in the district. A report from the Central Ground Water Board. DistrictProfile.html is a website with a profile of the district.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Groundwater recharge timing in Cuddapah Basin and the Dhar War craton. J. Petrol. 45, 907 and 948

The Cuddapah Basin and the southern part of the Dhar War craton have Proterozoic lamproites and kimberlites. J. Petrol. 45, 907 and 948 were released.

Chapman, J. B., Thomas, J. M. & Garner, C. Groundwater recharge timing based on 14C and 2H within Indian Wells Valley, California, USA. Appl. Geochem. 141, 105268 (2022).

Chowdari, S. et al. Structural mapping based on potential field and remote sensing data, South Rewa Gondwana Basin, India. J. Earth Syst. Sci. 126, 1–27 (2017).

The map of Georgia was created by Clark and Zisa. Georgia Department of Natural Resources. https://epd.georgia.gov/document/publication/sm-4-physiographic-map-georgia-12000000-1988/download (1976).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Groundwater flow system in Connecticut. State Department of Environmental Protection, Colorado River Hydrologic Region, and California Department of Water Resources, 2013. Water.ca.gov

Clauzon, G. The pimont a subalpin du the bas Dauphiné. The Université d’Aix-Marseille II. https://hal-insu.archives-ouvertes.fr/file/index/docid/459143/filename/Clauzon1990.pdf (1990).

Commission locale de l’eau Basse Vallee de l’Ain. Plan d’Aménagement et de Gestion Durable de la ressource en eau et des milieux aquatiques [PAGD]. Downloads #2-sage-pagd-adopte.pdf can be viewed here.

Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection. The ground water flow system in Connecticut has an overview. The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection has aquifer protection and ground water flow systems in the state.

Cox, S. E. & Kahle, S. C. Hydrogeology, ground-water quality, and sources of nitrate in lowland glacial aquifers of Whatcom County, Washington, and British Columbia, Canada. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4195. There’s a publication from the USGS.gov.

The California Department of Water Resources is responsible for water resources. California’s groundwater update 2013 – Chapter 12: Colorado River Hydrologic Region. There is a website with a description of, “Groundwater Management.” It’s located at water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR- Website/web-pages/Groundwater-Management

Cureck, M., Banfield, D., and Cendn, D. are from Australia. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 24, 13168–13183 (2017).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Water Temperature and Biological Diversity in the Aveiro Cretaceous Aquifer, Portugal, during the Late Pleistocene and Present Day

Kumar, S., andPrasad, I. in Proc. The 6th International Conference on Case Histories is ingeotechnical engineering. The download can be found at the core.ac.uk.

Davidson, B. Kentucky Interagency Groundwater Monitoring Network: Annual Report July 2017–June 2018. There is a video on the UKy.edu website titled “Itac17-18.pdf”.

Herczeg, A. L., Dogramaci, S. S. & Leaney, F. W. J. Origin of dissolved salts in a large, semi-arid groundwater system: Murray Basin, Australia. The Freshwater Res. 52 was published in 2001.

Melo, M. C.De, Paquete, P. C. & Silva, M. M.Da Evolution of the Aveiro Cretaceous aquifer (NW Portugal) during the Late Pleistocene and present day: evidence from chemical and isotopic data. It is called ageol. Soc. There is a Lond. There is a Spec. Publ. 189, 139–154 (2001).

There is evidence for palaeowaters in the coastal depths of France. Geol. Soc. They were Lond. Spec. Publ. In 2001, there were 190, 93, and 106.

The radiocarbon dating of ground water in the Palouse Basin of the Columbia River basalts was performed by Douglas, Osiensky, J. L. and Keller. J. Hydrol. 334, 502–512 (2007).

Duque, C., Calvache, M. L. & Engesgaard, P. Investigating river–aquifer relations using water temperature in an anthropized environment (Motril-Salobreña aquifer). J. Hydrol. 381

Fijani, E., Moghaddam, A. A., Tsai, F. T. C. & Tayfur, G. Analysis and assessment of hydrochemical characteristics of Maragheh-Bonab plain aquifer, northwest of Iran. Water Resour. Manag. 31, 765–780 (2017).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Modelos de elevación digital en un SIG del fondo de la cuenca sedimentaria de la Cubeta del Saltador

Esteve, P., Varela-Ortega, C., Blanco-Gutiérrez, I. & Downing, T. E. A hydro-economic model for the assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation in irrigated agriculture. Ecol. Econ. 120, 49, and 58 were this year’s events.

Flora, S. & Davis, T. Hydrologic Map Series (HMS), Water Level Change Map Series (WLCMS), and Basin Sweep Assessment Report ADWR Basins and Sub-Basins. The Arizona department of water resources has a field services section. The assessment report onhms-wlcms and basin-sweep was published in 2009.

Florea, L. J., Hasenmueller, N. R., Branam, T. D., Frushour, S. S. & Powell, R. L. in GSA Field Guide: Ancient Oceans, Orogenic Uplifts, and Glacial Ice: Geologic Crossroads in America’s Heartland Vol. 51 (ed. The Geological Society of America was founded in the year 2018?

The deep structure of the Parecis Basin in Brazil was photographed from 3D magnetotelluric cameras. J. S. Am. Earth Sci. 96, 102381 (2019).

García-Meléndez, E., Ferrer Julià, M., Goy, J. L. & Zazo, C. Reconstrucción morfoestructural mediante modelos de elevación digital en un SIG del fondo de la cuenca sedimentaria de la Cubeta del Saltador (Cordilleras Béticas Orientales). https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/247828 (2002).

Rushton, K.R., M. A., and Mehedi Hasan were from northwest Bangladesh. There was a groundw. Contribute. Dev. 20, 100901 (2023).

Gholami, F. & Malekian, A. Assessment of spatio-temporal oscillations and physico-chemical properties of Azna-Aligudarz basin. Desert Ecosyst in the Desert. Eng. J. 7, 57–70 (2018).

Gholami, V. C. K. W., Chau, K. W., Fadaee, F., Torkaman, J. & Ghaffari, A. Modeling of groundwater level fluctuations using dendrochronology in alluvial aquifers. J. Hydrol. 548, 1059, and 1199 were recorded in 2015.

Godfrey, L. V. et al. The volcanoly active and arid LOa Basin of northern Switzerland is home to the groundwater DOC and DIC. J. Hydrol. 595, 125987 (2021).

Godfrey, L. & van Dyk, G. Reserve determination for the Pomfret-Vergelegen Dolomitic Aquifer, North West province. The report was No ENV-P-C 2002. https://scholar.ufs.ac.za/bitstream/handle/11660/7396/Tosca%20Reserve%20Report.pdf?sequence=6&isAllowed=y (2002).

Both Golder associates and Summit Environmental consultants are based in the UK. The second phase of the water supply and demand project includes a basin study. The report was forwarded to the water board. Project-reports are available on the Obwb.ca website.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

A case study in India on the use of a statistical model for assessing groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers

Goswami, Dey, Zakaulla, and M.B. were present in Cuddapah basin of India. J. Earth Syst. There are 21 articles in the science journal this year.

A case study was presented for the application of a geographically weighted regression model to analyse the relationships between the quantities of water and land use. It’s Environ. Monit. Assess 186 and 3123 over the last year.

The study of the contamination of the aquifer system in Spain is being supported by factor analysis. The Groundwater 34 was published in 1996.

Brockman has mapped the regions of Ohio. The state of Ohio has a Division of Geological Survey map. https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-04/documents/05_oh_rec4.pdf (1998).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Plane-Basin Assessment: Ca. 2.27-1.96 Ga Birimian Orogen – a local to global perspective

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Plane Basin Assessment. Mackay Whitsunday Natural Resource Management Region report. There’s a video of the Plane-Basin Assessment on the Library’s website.

O.H. M. is the author. The geodynamic evolution of a Paleoproterozoic orogenic system – a local to global perspective on the ca. 2.27-1.96 Ga Birimian Orogen in the Baoule Mossi domain of West Africa. Thesis, Univ. Western Australia (2019).

There are dykes in the northern Deccan Volcanic Province of India. J. Earth Syst. The report is called “Sci. 121.”

Gxokwe, S., Xu, Y. & Kanyerere, T. Scenarios analysis using water-sensitive urban design principles: a case study of the Cape Flats Aquifer in South Africa. Hydrogeol. J. 28, 2009–2023 (2020).

Walker, Love, A J. and Narayan are related to the same person. A compartmental mixing-cell approach is used for the assessment of the Otway Basin. J. Hydrol. 214, 49–63 (1999).

J. W, C.S., and R. P are all from the same area. The Albuquerque Basin has an underground view. Report No. CONF-9411293-TRN: IM9704%%261, 37–55. https://www.osti.gov/biblio/415630 (1995).

The Matanza-Riachuelo aquifer system has the origin of the groundwater salinity in it. Groundw. Sustain. 2093, 100883, 2023

Henry, R., Lindsay, K., Wolcott, B., Patten, S. & Baker, T. Walla Walla Basin Aquifer Recharge Strategic Plan. There was a report from the Walla Walla Basin Watershed Council. https://wwbwc.org/index.php/recharge?highlight=WyJyZWNoYXJnZSIsInN0cmF0ZWdpYyIsInBsYW4iXQ== I was here in the year 2013)

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

A case study on pesticide residues and transformation products in groundwater from an agricultural area on the Mediterranean coast. Anal. Chem. 88, 409-424 (2008)

Hernndez, F. Pesticide residues and transformation products in groundwater from a Spanish agricultural region on the Mediterranean Coast. Int. J. Environ does not do anything in this area. Anal. Chem. 88, 409–424 (2008).

Herrera-Barrientos, J. et al. The Kalman filter is used for estimation of the Qe-T relationship. Hidrobiológica 30, 211–219 (2020).

The author, along with Hunkeler, D., and M., published a paper about the implications of assainissement des eaux durables en Suisse. PNR 61 is a programme national de recherche. It was long-term de l’eau. Thematische synthese – 3_f.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Groundwater of Ramsey County, North Dakota. The U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations 49, 825-856

Hosono, T. Different isotopic evolutionary trends of δ34S and δ18O compositions of dissolved sulfate in an anaerobic deltaic aquifer system. Appl. It is referred to as the geological substance. 46, 30–42 (2014).

The role of prior model calibration in predicting Kalman filters. The Groundwater 49, 825–856 were published in 2011.

Hughes, J. L. Evaluation of ground-water quality in the Santa Maria Valley, California. U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations 76-128. The report is contained in thepubs.usgs.gov.

Huntington, J L., Minor, B., Bromley, M. and Morton, C. investigate phreatophyte flora in selected areas of Nevada. Division of Hydrologic Sciences, Desert Research Institute. http://www.conservationgateway.org/ConservationByGeography/NorthAmerica/UnitedStates/nevada/water/Documents/Final%20DRI-TNC%20spatiotemporal%20phreatophyte%20report_may31.pdf (2018).

The ground-water resources in Ramsey County, North Dakota. North Dakota State Water Commission Report. https://www.swc.nd.gov/info_edu/reports_and_publications/county_groundwater_studies/pdfs/Ramsey_Part_III.pdf (1980).

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Modelling the flow of water in the Upper Chaj Doab, Pakistan. A case study: Hydrogeology of Hodges Water Department, Franklin and Marion Counties, Alabama

Iepure, S.,Martinez-Hernandez,V., Herrera, S.,rasines-ladero, R. and de Bustamante are present. Environ. It is a scientific journal that deals with Pollut. Res. 20, 5823–5866.

A finite element model is used in the modelling of the flow of water in the Upper Chaj Doab of Pakistan. Geophys. J. Int. 173, 17–24 (2008).

Assessment of desertification density using a model is a case study. The J. Range Watershed Manag. was published in 2015.

Aasim, Jasrotia, Kumar, and Aasim collaborated on a study of the potential zones of the western doon valley. There is an Int. J. Geomat. There is a science called theGeosci. 2, 1078–1096 (2011).

Jennings, S. P. Hydrogeology and groundwater assessment of the water distribution area of the town of Hodges water department, Franklin and Marion Counties, Alabama. The Geological Survey of Alabama had a report. https://www.ogb.state.al.us/img/Groundwater/OFR/OFR1311.pdf (2013).

Oiro, S., Comte, J. C., Soulsby, C., MacDonald, A. & Mwakamba, C. Depletion of groundwater resources under rapid urbanisation in Africa: recent and future trends in the Nairobi Aquifer System, Kenya. Hydrol. J. 28, 2635–2656 (2020).

Juran, et al. are working on the development of a multi-scalar, participant-driven water poverty index. Int. J. Water Resour is related to water. There wereoldid numbers 955–975 in the yearlude.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

The Kansas High Plains Aquifer Atlas (Ksas): an example of MT3DMS code used to estimate groundwater level

Kansas Geological Survey. The High Plains are in Kansas. There is a Kansas High Plains Aquifer Atlas. https://geokansas.ku.edu/kansas-high-plains-aquifer-atlas (2021).

Kar, G. Integrated technologies to enhance productivity of seasonal deep waterlogged areas. Water Technology Centre for Eastern Region Research Bulletin 40. You can download the “Bulletin_ 40.pdf” from this website.

Khalili Naft Chali, A. & Shahidi, A. Comparison of lazy algorithms and M5 model to estimate groundwater level (case study: Plain Neyshabur). J. Water Soil. Sci. 21, 15–26 (2021).

Kheirandish, M., Rahimi, H., Kamaliardakani, M. & Salim, R. Obtaining the effect of sewage network on groundwater quality using MT3DMS code: case study on Bojnourd plain. Groundw. Sustain. The code was 11 years old in 2020.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Global water surface precipitation based on cloud cover induced downscaling. A report on 1 km rainfall and some cases of recovery in aquifers

Karger, D. N., Wilson, A. M., Mahony, C. & Zimmermann, N. E. Global daily 1 km land surface precipitation based on cloud cover-informed downscaling. The data is included in the Sci. Data 8, 307.

Mukherji, A., Rawat, S. & Shah, T. Major insights from India’s minor irrigation censuses: 1986-87 to 2006-07. He was an economist. Political Wkly. 48, 115–124 (2013).

J. & Moosdorf, N. The new global lithological map database GLiM: a representation of rock properties at the Earth surface. The Geological Survey of America has a specific classification for the geological activity called the “geochem.” Geophys. Geosyst. 13, Q12004 (2012).

There is importance of long-term water-level data. There is a U.S. Geological Survey Circular.

The water crisis in Yemen: speculations and realities. There is a report on 888-282-0476 888-282-0476 888-282-0476 888-282-0476.

Source: Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers globally

Groundwater level change and depletion in aquifers: a case study in Adama-Wonji basin, La Yarada, Peru

Pino, E. et al. Factors affecting depletion and pollution by marine intrusion in the La Yarada’s coastal aquifer, Tacna, Peru. The word terologic is used. There is a Cienc. Agua 10, 177–213 (2019).

The hydrogeology of Adama-Wonji basin and assessment of Groundwater Level Changes in Wonji wetlands are results from 2. Environ. Earth Sci. 62, 1323–1335 (2011).

Hao, Y., Xie, Y., Ma, J. & Zhang, W. The critical role of local policy effects in arid watershed groundwater resources sustainability: a case study in the Minqin oasis, China. Sci. Total Environ. 601, 1084–1096 (2017).

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There are lots of things that come from the water in the tap, packaged in a single-use bottle, or helped grow produce in your fridge. These are layers of underground material that hold water, and can be made up of porous rock or sediments like sand and gravel. When it rains some of the water comes out of lakes and rivers, but other water collects in the ground and is deposited in subterranean stores.

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