The glaciers have caused the future emergence of new ecosystems
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Carbon dioxide sinks in the southern European Alps. The first dataset of glacier-free basins and the impact on future high-mountain hydrology
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Source: Future emergence of new ecosystems caused by glacial retreat
Is it better to go or not to go? A case study of ice-dammed lakes in Switzerland over the 21st century
Is it better to go or not to go? Business attitudes to no-go policies are related to protected areas. PARKS 21, 7–10 (2015).
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Steffen, T., Huss, M., Estermann, R., Hodel, E. & Farinotti, D. Volume, evolution, and sedimentation of future glacier lakes in Switzerland over the 21st century. Earth Surf. Dyn. 10, 723–741 was published in the year 2022,
Compagno, L., Huss, M., Zekollari, H., Miles, E. S. & Farinotti, D. Future growth and decline of high mountain Asia’s ice-dammed lakes and associated risk. Commun. There was a study on the environment in the Earth’s Environ 3.
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There are nitrogen and organic carbon accumulate rates in cold environments. There are 18 pictures of the gisderma, 109–123
The size of pristine ecosystems in a small part of our planet will depend on the extent of the exposed terrain and ice-free areas
“This could be one of the largest ecosystem changes on our planet,” says lead author Jean-Baptiste Bosson, a glaciologist with the Conservatory of Natural Areas of Haute-Savoie (ASTERS), a conservation group based in Annecy, France.
Bosson and his colleagues project that almost all of the exposed terrain would be on land, while a small percentage of it would be ice-free. Bosson says, “these areas have the potential to provide important new habitats that must be protected at a time when other forests are being destroyed, while also providing fresh habitats for animals that are threatened by climate change at lower altitudes.”
A zoologist at the University of Milan in Italy says the study gives useful guidance for understanding how organisms and animals move in pristine environments. It could also help governments to prepare for inevitable questions about land management: less than half of the glacial areas analysed in the study are currently located in parks and other protected areas.