Protesters storm luxury conglomerate LVMH
The mobilization in Paris, France, on the eve of the constitutional council: “If Macron wants to find money for the pension system, he should come here to find it”
Some protesters in Paris forced their way into the headquarters of luxury giant LVMH, with one union leader telling CNN, “if Macron wants to find money to finance the pension system, he should come here to find it.”
A union leader told CNN that if someone wants to find money for the pensions, they should come to France.
Protesters may try to hit out at what they feel is capitalist signs, according to Paris police chief Laurent Nunez.
About 600,000 people are expected to protest against the pension reforms on Thursday, just a day before a key court ruling regarding the legality of the law.
Macron has argued that the reforms are essential to rein in public finances, and has been standing firm, this week saying “the country must continue to move forward.”
Speaking at an incinerator picket line near Paris on Thursday morning, Sophie Binet, the new head of the GGT, one of France’s main unions, insisted: “As long as the pension reform is not withdrawn, the mobilization will continue one way or another.”
On the eve of the decision of the constitutional council, I am once again supporting the mobilises in Paris and everywhere in France.
Friday will be a big day, as it will help decide whether the protests will continue. The CFDT, France’s other main union, has been more amenable to a negotiated settlement.
The Paris protests against a decision on the constitutionality of a divisive change to the French pension system: A CNN investigation of the Paris police operation
Garbage is meanwhile also set to fill the streets of Paris once more as collectors and incinerator workers are on strike again, according to the CGT union.
Heightened security is in place in the French capital Paris as the country braces for a crucial ruling on the constitutionality of divisive changes to France’s pension system.
The Constitutional Council in Paris, France’s equivalent of the US supreme court, has been barricaded ahead of the decision, which could see France’s retirement age raised from 62 to 64.
An expert in French constitutional law told CNN the police operation to protect the court is unprecedented. “I have never seen images like this before,” Fontaine said.
Sweeping protests have paralyzed major services across the country this year over French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal, a move that has also riled opposition lawmakers and unions. Uncollected garbage has mounted in the streets of Paris.
Source: https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/14/europe/france-pension-reform-ruling-intl/index.html
The 12th nationwide day of protests against the Green-lit Social Security Law (Green-lit) pensions law (Giving up the first 3 months for retirement)
There are many possible outcomes to Friday’s ruling. The law will be in force in September if it is green-lit. The first retirees are going to have an additional 3 months to collect their state pensions. With regular increases, the retirement age will reach 64 by the year 2030.
There could also be a partial strike down of the law. The court can choose to pass the remainder of the legislation if only part of it is unconstitutional. This would likely be seen as a win forMacron, who would be able to offer dialogue to trade unions.
Thursday marked the 12th nationwide day of protests against the proposals. Hundreds of thousands took to the streets but the interior ministry’s turnout figure – 380,000 – is nearly 200,000 less than the previous round of protests.
France has a more generous state pensions. At nearly 14% of GDP in 2018, the country’s spending on state pensions is larger than in most other countries, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
In the United States and the United Kingdom, the retirement age is between 66 and 67, depending on the year you were born. There is current legislation that calls for a rise in Britain from 67 to 68 between 2044 and 2046, although the timing is being reviewed.