There is information about the shooting at an elementary school
The Nashville Shooting at a Private Elementary School in Green Hills, Tennessee, Seemed to be an Aftermath for the First-Force-Field-Hard Shooting
In the Nashville shooting officers found the attacker firing from the second floor of a building in an open area. The assailant was killed about 14 minutes after the shooting was first reported, according to a police spokesman.
The police chief told reporters that he didn’t have a problem with the gap between the first call for an active shooter and the time when officers arrived at the school. We always try to get better. We always want to get there in two or three minutes and so there’s a lot of things that could have happened – traffic was locked down, etc.”
While the Nashville shooter was stopped quickly, it took over an hour for the Uvalde siege to end. Nineteen children and two teachers died in Uvalde, though at least three of the victims had survived the initial gunfire.
Six people — including three children — were killed in the shooting, and the suspected attacker was killed by police within minutes of the first call of an active shooter.
The shooter purchased seven firearms from five local gun dealers, according to Drake. There were weapons used in the attack.
The shooting occurred at the Covenant School, a private elementary school on the grounds of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Nashville’s Green Hills neighborhood.
“Our community is heartbroken,” the school said in a statement on Monday. “We are grieving tremendous loss and are in shock coming out of the terror that shattered our school and church.”
Politicians, including the President, sent sympathy messages after the school massacre, and calls for Congress to do more to prevent such tragedies.
An Engelbert-Colazo Activist Shooting at a Nashville School: Witnessing the Explosion of a Student at Covenant School
Hale was a past student of the school, from the Nashville area. Initially, authorities thought that Hale was a woman, but later they realized that Hale used the pronoun he or she.
Hale is seen driving to the school in a Honda Fit. Hale is dressed in camo pants, a white T-shirt, red cap and black vest, and shoots out a glass door to go into the building. The shooter had two rifles, a pistol, and a handgun, investigators said.
The footage shows the officer who arrived at the school to find a woman outside who said that the school was on lockdown but that there were two children missing.
In Nashville, a woman who claims to be a staffer at Covenant School tells an officer that the students are locked down. We have two kids that we don’t know where they are.”
As the alarm blares, two other officers with Engelbert start to search the school’s first floor. They check several rooms, including what appear to be classrooms. The rooms are dark and some doors are locked.
As Nashville officers converged on the open area where the shooter was, one of them noticed something vital. “Reloading!” was shouted out a split second before Engelbert fired four times at the suspect.
Two of the four- and nine-year veterans are Engelbert and Collazo. The officers shot and killed Hale at 10:27 a.m. — 14 minutes after the first emergency call.
Drake said that the two officers were trying to comprehend the situation after the shooting. According to Drake, Biden told him to reach out to the officers as well.
Police are uncovering more details about the suspect in the Nashville school shooting, as the community grieves.
Two active shooters in two schools are both ready to kill. Police in both Uvalde, Texas, last May and Nashville just this week rushed to answer 911 calls of gunfire.
As terrified schoolchildren and teachers were led to safety out of The Covenant School Monday, word spread of those who were lost: three young children, the head of their school, its custodian and a substitute teacher.
“All of Tennessee was hurt yesterday, but some parents woke up without children, children woke up without parents, and spouses woke up without their loved ones,” said Tennessee Governor Bill Lee.
Averianna Patton, the childhood friend of the shooter, told CNN that he sent a message to her before 10 a.m. Monday saying that it would be on the news.
Patton, a Nashville radio host, told CNN she was the shooter’s childhood basketball teammate but they hadn’t spoken in years and is unsure why she received the message. Patton said she then called a suicide prevention line and the Nashville Davidson County Sheriff’s Office at around 10:13 a.m.
Writings left behind by Hale revealed the attack “was calculated and planned,” police said. The shooter had a drawing of how to enter the building, as well as assaults that would take place, Drake said.
The shooter targeted the school but there is no evidence he was targeting the six people who were killed.
The Shooting of a 9-Year-old Student at a Nashville Public Art Center, According to CNN’s Bethe Ansatz
Hale graduated from Nossi College of Art & Design in Nashville last year, the president of the school confirmed to CNN. Hale worked as a freelance graphic designer and a part-time grocery shopper, a LinkedIn profile says.
Collazo then appeared to shoot the person on the ground four times with a handgun, yelling “Stop moving!” The officers radio “Suspect down!” when approaching the person. There is a suspect down!
The victims of the shooting included three 9-year-old students: Evelyn Dieckhaus, William Kinney and Hallie Scruggs, the daughter of lead church pastor Chad Scruggs. Cynthia Peak was a substitute teacher and Mike Hill was the custodian, police said.
When Sissy went to the reunification center, she thought something was off since she didn’t see Koonce there.
She was a voice of reason and security, and I had a feeling that she would have handled everything in front.
Peak was going to go to the home of the Lees for dinner with Tennessee First Lady Maria Lee.
“Maria woke up this morning without one of her best friends, Cindy Peak,” the governor said.”Cindy and Maria and Katherine Koonce were all teachers at the same school and have been family friends for decades,” he added.
Families of the people killed released statements to mourn their loved ones. Hill was described as a father of seven children and grandfather to 14 who loved to cook and spend time with his family, his family said in a statement obtained by CNN affiliate WSMV.
Nashville will hold a candlelight ceremony on Wednesday night to grieve for the victims of the deadly shooting, according to Mayor John Cooper. It will take place at One Public Square park at 5:30 p.m. local time.
The Nashville, Texas, response to Uvalde: CNN analysis and interviews of Engelbert, Collazo, Arredondo, and Wackrow
The officer in charge of the Texas Department of Public Safety called the response to Uvalde an “abject failure”. In Nashville, it was “a textbook operation by law enforcement that was executed flawlessly,” said Jonathan Wackrow, a former Secret Service agent and CNN analyst.
Here are the key differences, and some similarities, reported from a CNN analysis of body camera footage from both instances and interviews given to investigators after the Uvalde massacre that have been obtained by CNN.
Engelbert is handed a key, opens the locked entry door and, with other officers already arriving, calls out to form a team. “Give me three, let’s get three!” He said that. “Let’s go! I need three!”
Arredondo was armed with his pistol but there were officers with long guns at Robb Elementary by 11:40 a.m. at the latest. More equipment was added as officers arrived, including the rifle-rated ballistic shield that was used when the team went in the classroom.
Nashville responders wore their regular protective vests, some with helmets, some without. Engelbert carried a rifle while Collazo had only his sidearm.
Collazo encouraged those with greater firepower to be first in to rooms to be cleared, “Rifle first! The rifle first! But he went toward the sound of gunfire.
Source: https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/29/us/nashville-uvalde-police-body-camera-response/index.html
Robb Elementary: Video of the Uvalde Police Department Officers after the September 11, 2001 Attack Using the State Detector and the COVID-19 Task Force
Under the direction of the local District Attorney, all material about the Robb Elementary response has been kept to a minimum. The video from the Uvalde Police Department officers was published by the Uvalde Mayor weeks after the attack. CNN has obtained and reported on many more recordings and what they show, but they remain withheld from the public.