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Galaxies are driven by the black hole of the Milky Way

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The Stars, the Black Hole and the Evolution of Sagittarius A* – A Microquasar Discovered in Nature 497

The stars are speeding around the central black hole. Nature 407 was published in 2000. The stars are in motion around Sagittarius A* at the centre of the universe.

The original story can be found in the latest edition of quanta Magazine, which is a publication that is independent of the Simons Foundation and has the mission of improving public understanding of science.

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AGN feedback on a small scale can have the same effects as sceltering when a star explodes as a supernova. The big engines of stellar black holes can be sufficient to regulate small galaxies, whereas the giant engines of supermassive black holes can only dominate the evolution of the large elliptical galaxies.

The correlation is surprising when you consider that the black hole—big as it is—is a scant fraction of the galaxy’s size. (Sagittarius A* weighs roughly 4 million suns, for instance, while the Milky Way measures some 1.5 trillion solar masses.) The black hole does not pull with any force on its innermost region because of this.

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