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There was a red-supergiant supernova at redshift 3

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SN 2011dh: discovery of a type IIb supernova from a compact progenitor in the nearby galaxy M51

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The Phillips Relation, Nickel, and Supernovae in the Cosmology: The Case against the Expansion Rate of the Universe and the Cosmic Acceleration

Original story reprinted with permission from Quanta Magazine, an editorially independent publication of the Simons Foundation whose mission is to enhance public understanding of science by covering research develop­ments and trends in mathe­matics and the physical and life sciences.

Our understanding of the cosmos is based on these standard candles. Consider two of the biggest mysteries in cosmology: What is the expansion rate of the universe? And why is that expansion rate accelerating? Using Type Ia supernovas we can measure distance to understand some of these issues.

Uncertainty that worries theorists, because researchers don’t fully understand what causes these strange explosions. There are some small discrepancies in how they appear that could corrupt the measurement of the universe.

For an object to serve as a standard candle, astronomers must know its inherent brightness, or luminosity. They can compare it to how bright or dim that object appears in the sky.

MarkPhillips plotted how the luminosity of Type Ia supernovas changed over time. Crucially, nearly all Type Ia supernovas follow this curve, known as the Phillips relationship. This consistency makes the explosions that are visible billions of light years away the most powerful candles that astronomer have. But what’s the reason for their consistency?

A hint comes from the unlikely element nickel. When there is a supernova in the sky radioactive nickel-54 flooding out is detected. White dwarfs are dim, fizzled-out stars that hold only a dense, Earth-size core of carbon and oxygen, enshrouded by a layer of helium. White dwarfs are not as good as supernovas. The puzzle is how to get from one state to the other. There is still no obvious way to do a type Ia supernova, according to an astronomer who specializes in that type of event. “How do you get it to explode?”

The theory was no longer in existence in 2011. Astronomers were able to search for a companion star after spotting the closest Type Ia so early in its explosion. None was seen.

The tongue twister theory was created by the University of California, Berkeley and called the D6 scenario. A white dwarf traps another white dwarf in order to steal its helium, which in turn will cause a nuclear fusion in the first dwarf. The fusing helium sends a shock wave deep into the dwarf’s core. It then detonates.

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