The First 3D structure of a human’s smell offers clues

A comparative study of G protein-coupled receptors in the elephant olfactory gene locus and in the placental mammals (African elephants)

African elephants have a dramatic increase in the number of olfactory genes and 13 placental mammals have orthologous genes. The genome Res. 24, was published last year.

Bjarnadóttir, T. K. et al. Comprehensive repertoire and phylogenetic analysis of the G protein-coupled receptors in human and mouse. In 2006 there is a Genomics 88.

Krautwurst, D., Yau, K. W. & Reed, R. R. Identification of ligands for olfactory receptors by functional expression of a receptor library. Cell 95, 917–926 (1998).

Live- cell measurement of odorant receptor activity using a real-time cAMP assays was performed. J. Vis. Exp. 128, 55831 (2017).

Cook, B. L. The production and study of an olfactory receptor called GProtein-coupled receptors. Proc. National Acad. Sci. USA 106, 1225–11930.

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The role of G protein-coupled receptors in cancer phenotypes: a paper by A. Nakashima and S. M. Vadevoo

Xu, L. L. et al. PSGR, a novel prostate-specific gene with homology to a G protein-coupled receptor, is overexpressed in prostate cancer. Cancer Res. 60, 6568–6572 (2000).

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S. M. P. and Vadevoo wrote an article about their research. The macrophage odorant receptor Olfr78 mediates the lactate-induced M2 phenotype of tumor-associated macrophages. There is a Proc. There is a journal called the Natl Acad. There is a book titled “Sci. USA 118, e2102434118”.

A. Nakashima, A. The GPCR activity regulates anterior–posterior targeting of olfactory sensory cells. Cell 154 was published in the last year.


Crystal structure of rhodopsin in complex with a mini-Go: Probing the principles of G protein selectivity

C. J., and Tsai are the authors. Crystal structure of rhodopsin in complex with a mini-Go sheds light on the principles of G protein selectivity. Sci. Adv. 4, eaat7052 (2018).

Integrated methods for the construction of three-dimensional models and computational probing of structure-function relations in G protein-coupled receptors were used. Methods Neurosci. 25, 366–428 (1995).

Pronin, A. & Slepak, V. Ectopically expressed olfactory receptors OR51E1 and OR51E2 suppress proliferation and promote cell death in a prostate cancer cell line. J. Biomet. Chem. 296, 100475 (2021).


SerialEM: A software package for automatic cryo-EM imaging of homogeneous protein-ligand complexes with Sortase ligation based on -arrestin coupling

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There is a multiple sequence alignment editor in Jalview version 2. Bioinformatics 25 and 1189-191.

Pándy-Szekeres, G. et al. State-specific structure models using AlphaFold2 and new resources will be included in the G PCrdb in 2023. Nucleic Acids Res. 51, D395–D402 (2022).

The manipulation of biological strings is efficient. R package version 2.66.0.

In Structural Approaches to Sequence Evolution, there are Molecules, Networks, Populations. 207–232 (Springer 2007).

How many olfactory smell-receptor genes is needed to distinguish many smells? A scientist’s perspective on the odour-decoration problem

A single odorant can cause multiple olfactoryreceptors to function, as each one has a subset of smelly molecule called odorants. It is “like hitting a chord on a piano”, says Manglik. The idea behind hitting a combination of keys is to cause the smell of a distinct odour.

The University of California, San Francisco, has a pharmaceutical chemist who co-authored the study.

The human genome contains genes encoding 400 olfactory receptors that can detect many odours. The first mammal smell-receptor genes were discovered in rats. Researchers in the 1920s estimated that the human nose could discern around 10,000 smells3, but a 2014 study suggests that we can distinguish more than one trillion scents4.

Matthew Grubb a neuroscience professor at King’s College London says that most of the people don’t like being in any other type of cell. This means that they cannot be grown or stabilized in commonly used cell lines. It would take thousands of mice noses to replicate samples. “It’s just not feasible.”


Binding and shape change of the OR51E2 propionate’s carboxylic acid to arginine in a superconducting catalytic solution

The binding pocket of the OR51E2 is surrounded by specific bonds that anchor the propionate’s carboxylic acid to arginine. The shape of OR51E2 is changed by binding to propionate.

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