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Carbon Stocks of Individual Trees in the United Nations Drylands: From National Coalitions to a Push for Bankable Project for the Great Green Wall
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The more trees there are, the less important they become. This is definitely true in dryland settings, where scattered trees are vital for the environment and the people who live there. Indeed, trees will be instrumental in helping dryland communities meet many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Detailed information about trees is essential for managing and restoring dryland ecosystems, and for understanding their role in storing carbon as the climate changes, yet such data have been lacking. Writing in Nature, Tucker et al.1 address this issue by providing an inventory of carbon stocks for billions of individual trees in the African drylands.
In the United for Lands: From National Coalitions to a Push for Bankable Project for the Great Green Wall is a book published by the United Nations.
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