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Black holes and neutron stars have accretion instability

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An X-ray afterglow of the GW170833 protoneutron star merger. Mon. Not. R. Astron. 483, 1912-1921

Piro, L. The remnant of a neutron star merger was constrained by X-ray observations. Mon. Not. R. Astron. 483, 1912–1921, was published in 2019.

Drout, M. R. et al. The light curves of the merger of stars are related to r-process nucleosynthesis. Science 358, 1570–1574 (2017).

Makhathini, S. et al. The panchromatic afterglow of GW170833: full uniform data set, modeling, comparison and implications. There are astrophys. J. 912, 154 in the years to come.

Buisson, D. J. K. et al. Discovery of thermonuclear (Type I) X-ray bursts in the X-ray binary Swift J1858.6–0814 observed with NICER and NuSTAR. There was a meeting on Mon. Not. R. Astron. 499 and 793 are published in 2020.

Bellini, A., Anderson, J. & Bedin, L. R. Astrometry and photometry with HST WFC3. I. Improved geometric-distortion corrections for 10 filters of the UVIS channel. Publ. Astron. Soc. ThePac 123, 622 was published in 2011.

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There was a correlation between the size of the jets and the number of active galactic nuclei. Astron. Astrophys. 598, L1 (2017).

Belloni, T., Klein-wolt, M., Méndez, M., and van Paradijs were part of the study. Astron. Astrophys. 355, 271–290 (2000).

Charlot, P. et al. The third realization of the international reference frame is very long baseline interferometry Astron. Astrophys. 644, A159 (2020).

A new type IIP supernova 2017eaw discovered in the infancy of the Zwicky Transient Facility: Bayesian analysis of gamma-ray bursts GRB 090510, GRB

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Speagle, J. S. DYNESTY: a dynamic nested sampling package for estimating Bayesian posteriors and evidences. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 493, 3132–3158 (2020).

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M. T., Soumagnac and others were involved in research. A giant red supergiant was discovered in its infancy by the Zwicky Transient Facility. There are astrophys. J. Letters 902 is published in 2020.

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Observational data for core collapse supernovae at redshift 2.5 and new results for the SPIE detector at the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory

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The report was byRothberg, B. et al. Current status of the facility instrumentation suite at the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory. In Proc. There is an electronic device called the SPIE 10702. Evans, C. J. et al. wrote the book about ground- based and airborne tools for astronomy. 1070205 is part of the SpiE.

A full spectral fitting code is presented by Wilkinson, D. M. and Maraston, C. Mon. Not. R. Astron. There was a report on this topic in the paper “Soc 474, 4300–4350”.

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The Dark Energy Camera and The Dark Energy Survey are relevant to this topic. The electromagnetic counterpart of the binary neutron star merger LIGO/Virgo GW170817. I. Discovery of the optical counterpart using the dark energy camera. There are astrophys. J. 832, L16

Mangan, Dunwoody, R., and Meegan are from the Fermi GBM Team. GRB 211211A: Fermi GBM observation. The circular service for the GRB Coordinates Network was published in 2011.

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Gravitational-wave observations of the GRB 200522A: kilonova or collimated outflow from the binary neutron star merger

M. W., T., B. D., and others are involved in a multi-messenger inference of a binaries neutron star merger. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 489, 91–96 (2019).

Kasen, D., Metzger, B., Barnes, J., Quataert, E. & Ramirez-Ruiz, E. Origin of the heavy elements in binary neutron-star mergers from a gravitational-wave event. Nature 556, 80–84.

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The tidal approximants were constructed from high-resolution numerical relativity simulations. Phys. Rev. D 96, 121501 (2017).

W. Fong and others. The broadband counterpart of the short GRB 200522A at z = 0.5536: a luminous kilonova or a collimated outflow with a reverse shock? There are astrophys. J. 906, 127 (2021).

Moskvitin, A., Spiridonova, O., Belkin, S., Pozanenko, A. & Pankov, N.; GRB IKI FuN. GRB 211211A: SAO RAS optical observations. GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 31234 (2021).

McMullin, J. P., Waters, B., Schiebel, D., Young, W. & Golap, K. CASA architecture and applications. In Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI: Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 376 (eds Shaw, R. A. et al.) 127 (2007).

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NuSTAR observations of the transient galactic black hole candidate Swift J1858.6-0814: a new sibling of V404 Cyg & V4641 Sgr

Belloni, M., Méndez, M., King, A.R., and van Paradijs studied an unstable central disk in a black hole. Astrophys. J. 479, L145–L148 (1997).

The variability in the microquasar GRS 1915+105 is due to radiation pressure instability. Astrophys. J. 544, L33–L36.

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The heliocentric and barycentricJulian dates achieved better than 1 minute accuracy. Publ. Astron. Soc. There was a report onPac 122, 935.

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Gandhi, P. and others. Rapid optical and X-ray timing observations of GX 339–4: multicomponent optical variability in the low/hard state. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 407, 2166–2192 (2010).

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F. M.,Vincentelli, and others. Discovery of a thermonuclear Type I X-ray burst in infrared: new limits on the orbital period of 4U 1728-34. The day was Mon. Not. R. Astron. L37–L41 will be added in 2020.

Harding, L. K. et al. The Hale telescope has a high-speed photometer at its prime focus. It’s Mon. Not. R. Astron. A summary of the work done in 3036 and 4049 by the society of 457.

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The analysing atolls is done by Done, Gierliski, and Gladstone. Mon. Not. R. Astron. The work was done in the 13th and 22nd year of the society.

Vasilopoulos, G. The eruption of the super Eddington can be seen as a detection of constraints on the magnetic field strength. Mon. Not. R. Astron. 5535–5359 was published in 2020.

Tsygankov, S. S., Doroshenko, V., Lutovinov, A. A., Mushtukov, A. A. & Poutanen, J. SMC X-3: the closest ultraluminous X-ray source powered by a neutron star with non-dipole magnetic field. Astron. Astrophys. 605, A39 (2017).

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