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The opinion was that the writer,Nikki Haley,hrew it all away

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The 2016 Outburst of the former US Ambassador to the U.S.: Prospects for the 2020 presidential election in Haley’s hometown

One of the defining early questions of the 2024 presidential election seems about to be answered with some of the ex-president’s potential rivals for the Republican nomination making clear moves toward the race.

Haley’s expected campaign launch will highlight a political persona with considerable appeal as Republicans wonder how to broaden their coalition after their general election loss in 2020. As the former governor of a southern state that could be one of the most decisive primary battlegrounds, Haley has an advantage that has been building up for a long time. Her candidacy would bring the historic potential of the first woman in the Oval Office and her South Asian heritage could help the GOP win back women and more moderate voters. She added some foreign policy experience to her resume with a spell as the US ambassador to the United Nations under Trump.

This flurry of activity came after Trump criticized another potential rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who he claims is showing disloyalty by considering his own run. The rising star of Republican politics noted that he hadwon reelection, and that was the reason for the counter-punch.

Increasingly clear indications of several forming campaigns are notable because they appear to show that Trump, who has been the most influential force in the GOP ever since 2016, is not so prohibitively formidable that he cannot be challenged by serious rivals.

The former president has a deep bond with Republicans in primaries, so he is not likely to be seen as weakness by his rivals. Trump’s low-energy start last year and his infrequent campaign appearances underscore his electoral drawbacks after his many disastrous interventions.

Still, having multiple rivals would help Trump, as it did in 2016, since the winner-take-all nature of most Republican primaries allows a candidate with a mere plurality of votes to build up big delegate leads in a crowded field.

In other words, if Trump can split the opposition, he can win the primary, but that’s no guarantee for the general election given that the twice-impeached former president left Washington in disgrace after trying to steal an election and fomenting a mob attack on the US Capitol.

Unlike many of his Cabinet members, she engineered a smooth exit from the Trump administration on her own terms. She was pictured in the Oval Office looking like potential footage for a future Republican primary campaign. Haley could gently argue that it’s time to move on from the ex-president and president joe Biden without alienating the fans of the presidency and the president.

“It is time for a new generation. It is time for more leadership. … We have to remember, too, we have lost the last seven out of eight popular votes for president,” Haley said in a Fox News interview last month. “It is time we get a Republican in there that can lead and that can win a general election.”

The most important question that Haley will face is whether the Republican base has any interest in what she will sell, since they have rewarded culture warriors and election denialists.

Her credentials are impressive but they are not as great when compared to the party’s values. For example, if you want a more unifying, multicultural and less strident delivery vehicle for Donald Trump, is there really a market in the GOP? After all, the ex-president’s bombast, occasional profanity and laceration of liberal government and media elites create more of an emotional rather than a directly ideological connection with his biggest fans.

For instance, after leaving the administration on good terms, she rebuked her party for following Trump down a “path he shouldn’t have” taken with his election denialism that led to the January 6, 2021, insurrection. In October 2021, she took a different route with Trump still a powerful figure.

Some observers are questioning how she can build a broad support base for the GOP nomination, given her previous ties to South Carolina.

There is no room for more than three candidates in this race. The more anti-Trumper – not a never Trumper, the Trump lite, which is where Ron DeSantis is, (and) Nikki Haley, and then Trump himself,” said former Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who is now a senior CNN political commentator. “Nikki Haley’s struggle is going to be: she’s been pro-Trump, anti-Trump, she said she isn’t going to run if he runs, now he is going to run. She isn’t really a natural constituency at this point. We will see how she goes because she is a smart lady.

I have spent time in Iowa and New Hampshire. He said at a forum in Washington, DC, on Wednesday that this is not random. We are just trying to figure it out. He said it was an incredibly momentous decision to say that you believe you should be the leader of the United States of America.

A Conversation With Ms. Haley About The First Woman Governor in South Carolina and Why Donald Trump Isn’t Just What I Wanna Do

The same problem can be faced by Haley, Scott and even Pompeo if he gets into the race. They might not fear Trump, but that doesn’t mean they can beat him.

I remember the first time I saw her. It was in a high school gym before the 2012 South Carolina Republican presidential primary. Tim Scott, who was then a congressman, was holding a raucous town hall, and Ms. Haley was there to cheer him on. The first woman governor of South Carolina, the first Indian American ever elected to statewide office there, the youngest governor in the country. Whatever that “thing” is that talented politicians possess, Ms. Haley had it. She seemed to like people, and people liked her. She made your conversations feel important and special. She seemed to have a lot of potential.

The politician who saw herself as a role model for women and immigrants transformed herself into everything she claimed to oppose. She praised the man she had vowed never to stop fighting while attacking women and immigrants. She went from saying Donald Trump was everything she taught her children not to do in kindergarten, to “I don’t want us to go back to the days before Trump.”

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