There is a genetic link to smoking and drinking
Partitioning heritability of genetic variants across common diseases: a case study with African, East Asian and European ancestry
More than 3,500 genetic variations that potentially affect smoking and drinking behaviour have been identified in a study involving almost 3.4 million people with African, American, East Asian and European ancestry.
721 of the associated variations were only identified by the GWAS and not by an ancestry-naive model used for comparison. It is believed that large and diverse population samples increase the power of the studies.
“Epigenetic and environmental factors are really important to turn off and turn on the genes. ehime Temel, who studies medical genetics at Bursa Uluda University, Turkey, says that maybe it is because of that reason.
The analysis did not include people from Middle Eastern and Indian populations, who are more likely to smoke. In the Middle East, tobacco use is very common. There is a huge consumption of the shisha waterpipe” says Mahmut Ergören, a medical biologist at the Near East University in Nicosia, Cyprus. He said that by including these populations in the analysis, it would improve its accuracy and identify more genetic associations.
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